“As long as it takes, Aoife,” he rasped, then dropped me another kiss—this one to the tip of my nose.

I tried not to be charmed by that and called myself a sucker when I fell into those bright blue pools that were his damn eyes.

My body needed more than a kiss on the nose and a pat on the hand, but what it needed, it wasn’t ready for.

Someone had just tried to—

I wasn’t even sure what their intention had been. Just knew that they hadn’t dropped a bouquet of flowers at the bottom of the bed with a ‘Get Well Soon’ card.

For whatever reason, we seemed to have two enemies now. A war on two fronts—the Colombians and the Russians vs. us.

I tried not to feel sick at the thought, and then just embraced the nausea because no amount of lying to myself was going to make this situation any better.