What surprisedmewas how chilled he was being. Usually he sounded like he’d been snorting sour Altoids. Was it because of the situation? He’d never usually been so kind.

“I-I want my wife.”

“No shame in that, son. In fact, that’s where your lustful thoughts should be centered. I think God would be pleased you made the right choice.”

Releasing a shaky breath, I switched tactics. “I want to hurt the people who hurt her.”

“They’re already in the Devil’s care, Finn. There is no worse hurt that can be bestowed upon them.”

“Their leaders still live,” I rasped.

Doyle fell silent. “Why are you here, child?”

“Aoife told me to come.”

“Well, I didn’t expect that.”

“No?” My lips curved as I found myself amused by the notion that I’d surprised Doyle. I’d been doing that a lot lately.

What with turning up with a fiancée, asking him to do without the traditional declaring of the banns before the wedding ceremony… Now this. It was a time of change for the old coot.

“No. I know she’s not a believer. Not like her mother was.”

“How do you know that?”

“I spoke with her priest, of course.” He tutted. “I don’t invite just anyone into my flock.”

I rolled my eyes at that—he invited who Aidan commanded. “Aoife is… She’s being very understanding, Father.”

He hummed. “She thinks you need to atone?”

“No. I think she believes I need to confess, to get things off my chest.”

“And you disagree?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“True.” He sighed. “Finn, child, you’re not new to this process. I can’t grant you the appropriate penance, if that’s what you need, unless you have something you wish to make reparation for, over the harm you’ve caused.”

I licked my lips as I bowed my head. “I will do anything to protect my wife, Father. I wish that hadn’t induced me to act in the way I did.”

“It’s a start, I suppose,” Doyle grumbled. “If you were anyone else, I’d ask if you were scared to confess, but I know you too well.”

Was I too scared?

I didn’t think so.

I was angry, and the anger was welling up inside me.

“I’m not scared,” I admitted, my voice hoarse. “Not about confessing. I’m scared she’ll leave me. That she’ll hate me. You and I both know there’s no way out of the Points, and I wouldn’t want to leave,” I finished on a rush—I knew no other life, didn’t want another life.

“Has she asked you to?” Doyle didn’t sound shocked, so I wondered if Aoife should have. If that was considered normal from a wife in this situation.


Another hum. “She’s an unusual one. How’s she doing?”

“Could be better. The infection at the wound site has cleared up, but she’s still sore. Will be for a while.”