One WeekLater

“It’s done? How’s that possible?” We’re all sitting inside the common area in the clubhouse, all the brothers, women, and prospects, when Silas comes in from the phone call he took outside. I have the day off, seeing how it’s a Sunday and the vet clinic is closed. I’m in the process of seeing if Monday’s can be my second day off seeing how that’s also Silas’ as well.

Shila is up off her feet, dancing, grabbing Sedona to jump, hug, and cry tears of happiness. Jolie enters in on the fun. Collins is shaking her head, laughing at her mother’s antics.

“No idea. All I know is that I’m headin’ down to that cunt’s office tomorrow to sign off on my probation and not lookin’ back.” The guys celebrate all around, handing him a beer, giving hugs, patting backs, then the women are doing the same. I sit on my barstool waiting my turn, knowing he needs this moment. The whole club rallied around him with the shit he went through, not that I wasn’t hoping and praying for a moment like this the entire time. I know once he’s done, it’ll be me he’s after, and we probably won’t stay very long either. Silas has a room in the clubhouse. He didn’t use it while he was on probation in case Officer Vungle made a big deal out of it, especially after the last time she reared her nasty-ass head.

He did during the day, though, when I was off work and he was done at the shop, the club not needing him since they weren’t letting him do runs. Boy, did I hear about that. He was pissed as hell, felt like he wasn’t pulling his weight. So, I know now that this is cleared for him, the time will come when he’s gone for a few days or weeks at a time. Anyways, his room here is what we use in the middle of the day, so I don’t have to place a pillow over my head or Silas doesn’t have to swallow down my moans. Though he doesn’t call it that. Nope, my man plainly tells me like it is and that I’m a screamer. I don’t deny it. Silas knows how to work my body and his cock. There’s no way for it to be said otherwise.

“Doe.” He cups the side of my neck, tipping it up. Silas has been relaxed lately, not completely like he is now, but some of the harshness of being locked up was slowly dissipating, sleep being one of them. The second his head hits the pillow, arm banding around my center, pulling me in so we’re spooning, that’s when he’s out like a light.

“Honey.” My eyes close, soaking it in. Life is great, and now that he’s free, really free, I’m hoping the rest of the tension will drift away.

“Fuckin’ A, you can’t go talkin’ like that in front of family. That sweet voice of yours, the way you sigh, gonna make me pick you up, throw you over my shoulder, and take you to bed.” I smile. It’s not a bad idea, except I know everyone is going to want to celebrate, which means food and booze.

“Fine. I’ll just say your name in annoyance, is that any better?”

“Nope, doesn’t matter what you say, it seems you’ve got an effect on me that makes my cock hard all the fuckin’ time.” I shrug my shoulders. It works both ways, and he damn well knows it.

“It’s over, Silas, it’s finally coming to an end. I’m so freaking happy for you.” I move my head, kissing the palm of his hand.

“Not yet, but it will be soon. Got one more thing to take care of, then we can breathe easy. This stays between us.” He dips his head and bends his knees, so we’re eye level. “Massimo pulled through. Somethin’ to do with the judge. I didn’t ask, and he didn’t tell. We’re takin’ it as a gift, okay?” He doesn’t elaborate, and I don’t ask, though I’m not an idiot. The need for vengeance will always be there for the Diamondback MC. This one is justifiable. When Silas is ready to tell me, I’ll be there, not judging, letting him get it out, and then we’ll finally move on with our lives.

“Okay, this is probably the best gift ever, you know that?” I reply. Well, besides the trick I have up my sleeve once I hit twenty-one, and since I’m coming into money, I have an idea. One I’m hopeful he’ll go along with it. The thing about the brotherhood is that nine times out of ten, they’re all macho, not wanting their women to dip into their own money, feeling like it’s got to be the man to take care of it all. At least that’s what Shila warned me of. And seeing how Silas is just like his father, I figure we’re going to have a fight on our hands. That’s okay, though, because we’ve yet to try make-up sex. I’m ready for any battle that comes our way if it means ending my day with Silas buried inside me.