Of course,with the way my day is going, Lady Luck not being on my side, I’m squeezed in between Shadow and Silas. Shadow, I don’t mind. He’s more like a second father to me in a weird later-in-life type of way. It’s Silas I’m unsure of, maybe I should have just driven with the tow truck driver, but then I’d be on high alert, miserable for the short drive and scared out of my mind. Not to mention, the ration of hell I’d be served if I did that. Well, it might be worth it. I mean, Silas is clearly miserable. Shadow is his usual quiet self, though every now and then, when he thinks no one is looking, I see and hear a snicker. I just roll my eyes, thanking God this truck isn’t a manual, so my legs aren’t spread and I don’t have to touch the big oaf any more than I have to right now.

“Thanks, Shadow, I’ll wait at the garage for the driver to come, then see what’s wrong with my car.” We finally park at his house. The club is almost like a compound, just not in the form of a cult. Everyone wants to be here, unlike some of those other places.

“No problem, Gi. I’m pretty sure Ice is there workin’ still.” I slide out after Shadow since Silas is still in the passenger seat, opening and closing his fists, statue still.

“Okay, I’ll just tell him to do the bare minimum. A few more months, and I should have things figured out and can retire old Betsy. Maybe even find a place of my own.” It takes a lot for me to admit that, though, after today, having to call for help yet again. Last time, it wasn’t for my car, though; that’s a different time and place to get into. I talked to Mindy about it, the fact I’m nearing twenty-one and have nothing really to my name besides a vehicle, which is on its last leg. She listened, didn’t judge. In fact, Mindy wrapped me in her arms, giving me a hug, and when you’re my age without real parents, hugs come few and far between. I had no idea how much I needed it either. Sure, I get hugs from Shila, Sedona, and Collins, but those wrap-you-up, feel-good hugs, coming from the heart when you’re emotionally spiraling over a vehicle are different.

“Gi, you know you’ve got a place here, always. Don’t think anythin’ otherwise. Age is not a magical number that says you’re kicked out. As far as a vehicle, nothin’ wrong with the Nissan needin’ a little bit of work,” Shadow states.

“It’s been a long time coming, Shadow. Your whole family, well, you’ve become mine. And I know you asked me to stay until the dust settles to make sure there’s no blowback.” I’m mentally using quotation marks in my head with that last word. “I will, but I have to think about the future, too. I’ve got some big goals I want to accomplish.”

“Fair enough, but don’t rush on our part, kiddo.” I nod, starting to walk towards the path that leads to the clubhouse and the garage that’s off to the side, not talking to Silas, unsure of what would happen if I did.

“I’ll walk her,” the grump states, causing me to stutter in my steps.

“That’s okay. I’m fine on my own,” I hurriedly interject, hoping to stop him while I’m ahead.

“Silas.” Shadow grabs his attention, giving me the time to flee, which is what I do. My steps quicken, my heart is beating out my chest, and I breathe rapidly as I double-step it towards the garage, trying to practically flee from Silas. It’s not that I think he’ll hurt me. Even if he went away for inflicting pain on someone, I know the big guy wouldn’t purposely hurt me.

The tree line disappears, and I’m only a couple hundred feet from where it looks like my car is being taken off the tow truck. The sense of relief leaves me. My purse is still on my shoulder, but if I don’t hurry, I know Ice will take care of the bill, and no matter how much I beg or plead, he won’t let me repay him or the club. It’s bad enough when they do anything on my car—tires, brakes, oil change—they give it to me at cost, which means I’m taking away the hourly pay one of the brothers or prospects earn.

“Hey, I’ll take that.” I go to grab the bill from the tow truck driver, nodding at Ice, and that’s when a searing heat is pressed against my back. The paper I was trying to snatch before Ice was going for it is now in the hand of the man pressed behind me.

“Thanks, man,” Silas’ deep voice carries through the air, and when I rock back on my heels, we’re that much closer. I’m completely and utterly confused. This man didn’t want anything to do with me, so much as having his father warn me away. Yet here he is, taking a responsibility that’s mine, one that I can afford to pay and do on my own.

“Silas, this isn’t necessary.” I spin around, putting space between the two of us, finally able to take a deep breath now that he’s not sucking all the air surrounding us, which makes no sense because we’re out in the open. Of course, Ice left without uttering a word, the tow truck driver is starting to off-load my car, and it’s just the two of us here.

“Not up for discussion. I’ll be workin’ on your car, not some fuckin’ prospect.” I look at Silas, really look at him. There are deep circles under his eyes, a firmness around those lips that I’d no doubt die to have a taste of.

“I don’t think that’s your choice. The hot and cold you’re throwing my way, it’s got me at a loss for words.” The beeping of the tow truck has me turning my head to the side, watching as my car is gently lowered off the flatbed.

“Fuck.” He licks his lips. My eyes focus on the movement, then I’m being walked backwards as Silas presses against me yet again, not stopping until my back meets the metal of the building. Part of me wants to push him away. The other part, though, is begging my inner self to bring him closer.