I hid for three days.Three freaking days. It wasn’t easy either. That first night, Collins spared me the embarrassment of going back home. Rage and Jolie didn’t make any noise about it, not even when I asked to wash my scrubs at their place after I was given a pair of pajamas to wear for the night. Then there was the ride Collins gave me, and only then did I spill my guts. She wanted to kick Silas’ ass for me, but I wouldn’t let her do that to her cousin. Mindy gave me a ride home that night, which was also when Shadow stepped off the front porch, tossed me a set of keys, and told me not to be stubborn. I stayed at home those two nights, hiding in my room. Not like it did a whole lot of good because Silas wasn’t there, not that I’m aware of at least.

“You’re going to have to at least thank him. He’s the one who worked on your car the entire time.” Shadow walks down the front porch steps. They’ve let me hide more than normal.

“Yeah, I guess I am.” Son of a biscuit. Why does Silas have to do something so nice for me when he was such a dick the other day? “Shadow. I, uh, I’m trying to give him his space, but this kind of puts me in a difficult place,” I admit, looking at my car. It looks exactly the same, and if it was just the starter, which it seemed to be, it shouldn’t have taken three days. So, what exactly was Silas doing to my vehicle? Wiring a bomb to get rid of me?

“Think you understand we got cameras all over this place. Pretty sure Silas is aware of that even if you weren’t. Now, a little birdy told me he’s at the clubhouse, if you wanna go give him your thanks.” He nods towards the area he’s talking about.

“But are you sure that’s a good idea?” I question him, already knowing what I want to do, but that doesn’t mean I’m not worried. I am, really, even if it was me who was hiding. Silas wasn’t looking for me either.

“Yeah, Gigi girl. I’d say it’s more than a good idea. You can take the truck and park it the shop, leave the keys in the cup holder.” Shadow goes to turn around when I stop him.

“Shadow, I’ve been here a long time. I know you’re not much for talking and all, but thank you. In case I haven’t said it lately.” The thoughtful look in his eyes, I have a feeling I’m about to see a side of the father figure he’s become.

“Come ‘ere. I think it’s time you and I had a chat.” I offload my purse back in the truck, throw the keys in the seat. It’s not every day Shadow requests my presence, let alone talks to me about something this important. Even when he mentioned the whole Silas situation and giving him the space he requested, it was said in passing before we each we’re heading out the door, me for work and him club business.

“Alright,” I respond, closing the heavy door of the old truck, though it’s not as dilapidated as my car. The air conditioning works, and it has power windows. The gas is what’s a beast, enough to nickel and dime you to death. I wasn’t going to complain. Using the borrowed vehicle helped me out as well as not depending on others for rides.

“Don’t sound so worried. It’s not like I’m gonna lecture you for hours on end. Hell, this won’t take long at all, but I’m thinkin’ it’s long past due we have a little chat.” I climb up the steps, seeing that he’s sitting on the top, and I move settle in on the same one, though a few feet away because it seems like the thing to do.

“Well, it’s not like we have these soul-to-soul family talks very much. From Shila, yes, from you, it’s an almost never,” I respond, putting my feet on the step below and resting my arms on the top of my knees, stretching my back after standing all day.

“Yeah, I could see you bein’ leery for that reason. Nothin’s gonna happen. I’m not pissed or ticked at you. Silas maybe, but that boy has enough shit rattlin’ in his head right now that I’m not going to add to it. That’s why I’m gonna ask you to talk to my boy.” My head whips to his, eyes more than likely bulging out of their sockets.

“Uh, I don’t know why you think I’m the suitable choice. I mean, if you watched the cameras, then you could tell I’m probably his least favorite person right about now. There’s so much left unsaid, and honestly, he’s yet to give me a chance to apologize.” Shadow takes a deep breath before letting it out.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Gigi girl. He doesn’t want your apology because you have nothin’ to apologize for. Sure, you shouldn’t have been at that bar, but Silas doesn’t know what I know, you understand?” I nod, thinking back to that sneaky little shit who snuck out, me finding her at a bar, only for her to ditch me and then attempt to put the blame on me when the police finally let me go back to my foster home. My foster father was her biological father. Let’s just say things were not easy once the dust settled.

“Yeah, I’m not so sure he’ll talk to me just the same, but I’ll try.” He reaches out, squeezes my hand before letting it go.

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you’d get through to him. I’ve seen the way he sulks, how you hide in your room, and how that thick-in-the-head man looks at your door before he tries to go to sleep. Not that it works, though. He’s up and on the porch every night like clockwork.” Shadow stands up. I don’t say another word because what is there to say? He laid a wealth of knowledge at my feet and is leaving it up to me on what to do with it. Damn these men. They have hearts of gold, but man, are they a pain in the rear, too.