"What's the matter, little Rosa? Do I detect a hint of fear in your voice? Of anticipation? I had only intended to get information, but you are making it very hard to resist..." I noticed a twitch from beneath the thin scrap of leather covering his manhood. "...doing something else."

I swallowed hard, hoping the sudden dryness in my throat wasn't too obvious.

"I can take you back to your people," he continued. "If you tell me everything I want to know. Is that so hard?"

"I'm telling you, this is all a mistake!" Shame and fear and anger coursed through me in equal measure. Only the hulking body between me and the door kept me from running. "What don't you get about that? I have nothing to tell you! I'm not hiding anything, I swear!"

I hadn't intended to lose my cool. Hadn't intended to beg for my very life before this brutish orc. But here I was.

"I find that hard to believe," he growled, thick hands flexing. "But no matter. I'll get it out of you one way or another." Agonak advanced. The mattress groaned and shifted under his weight. Even from this distance heat poured off of him. And something else, too. Something I didn't want to admit, even to myself.

A pure, masculine musk that invaded my every sense and left me gasping for more. Agonak chuckled as he drew closer, crawling on hands and knees like a hungry predator in sight of their next meal.

And that, I realized, was all that I was to him.
