Page 16 of Hollywood Hotshot


The succulent smellof grilled steaks and shrimp hung in the air like an invisible mist over the hundred or so people wandering around the backyard of Taylor’s home away from home. A sizzle or whistle sounded every few minutes, followed by the bang of exploding fireworks. With each, Roberta winced, knowing her docile canine babies inched themselves under the bed with every additional explosion. A large part of her ached to be with them rather than at this party of strangers. But she had promised Taylor she would drop in. She dropped her shoulders and stepped under the tent.

White linen tablecloths on a dozen tables flapped lightly in the breeze that sprung up after sunset. Another couple dozen people sat at the tables, drinks in hand, chewing over the latest gossip as they enjoyed the balmy Fourth of July evening. Taylor’s cast bash was in full swing and not likely to die down until midnight despite an early morning cast call the next day.

As usually happened to her at such affairs, Roberta sat alone. Observing the group, she nursed a warm beer, her third in as many hours. Her eyes searched for Taylor but could not locate him. Dusk settled into pockets of darkness punctured intermittently by light from the strings of lanterns surrounding the clusters of tables and chairs. A fully stocked and staffed buffet table and bar stood off to one side for everyone’s pleasure. Pretty as it was, her spirits waned, and she contemplated returning to her own house. This wasn’t her scene, and other than Taylor, she didn’t know a soul there.

The weight of a hand descending on her shoulder alerted Roberta to the presence of the lean, muscular figure behind her.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Roberta turned toward him. “Yes, it’s been a lovely evening,” she lied as Taylor settled into the empty chair beside her. Roberta’s insides warmed as she admired his tight, navy T-shirt and tan cargo shorts. He had firm legs and a great ass.

“That beer’s lookin’ too warm, so I brought you a fresh one.” He held out a bottle covered with condensate as a testament to its recent retrieval from the ice barrel.

With a smile of thanks, Roberta set her old bottle aside and accepted the new one. A grateful moan escaped her throat as she took a long pull on the cold liquid.

“You’re welcome.” Taylor grinned a megawatt smile, eyes flashing.

Putting the bottle down on the table, Roberta smiled too. “It’s much better. Thanks.”

The music’s volume pumped up to a heart-thumping level as the DJ began badgering people to get on the makeshift dance floor.

“Come on, Bertie. Let’s dance.” Taylor grabbed her hand, pulling her along to the dancing area in front of the DJ’s setup.

It didn’t take much to convince Roberta to dance. It was one of her favorite pastimes, and she was good at it, far better at dancing than socializing.

They danced to the first three songs. Taylor tore up the dance floor, not looking like a dork but like someone who knew how to move his body. At the beginning of the fourth song, Roberta started to slip away to sit down. But it was a slow song, her favorite, “What a Wonderful World”.

As she started to leave the dance floor, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her backward. She swung into Taylor’s embrace for the slow dance. He pulled her close, so they stood chest to chest. Roberta could feel his chest rising against her breasts with each breath. Her head arched awkwardly until Taylor lightly pushed it down to rest on his shoulder.

“There now, this is nice. Don’t you think?” His words slurred.

“Mmm,” Roberta hummed back, eyes closed, head light from the alcohol, enjoying his feel, the woodsy smell of him. If anyone had ever told her that she would find herself in Taylor Reyd’s arms one day, she would have told them they were crazy.

“You know Bertie, you feel really good near me. I’m enjoying our time together. I can’t imagine how it would be without you next door.”

Raising her head to face him, Roberta smiled. “That’s sweet, Taylor. I can’t say it’s always been easy or peaceful having you living next door, but it’s definitely not been boring. And nice getting to know you.”

He didn’t reply. He looked at her, a mischievous, sexy smile on his lips.Oh, those lips.Before she could breathe again, those lips descended on her own in a soft, tender kiss.

Brain reeling, breath stolen, Roberta surrendered to those lips as they continued to play with her own, all the while Taylor’s arms engulfed her in a tight embrace that stopped all movement but the magic of their kiss and the galloping syncopation of their hearts.

Am I just another woman on a long list?As much as she loved being kissed by this gorgeous man, she broke off the kiss, stepping back more than a foot to stare at him.

Taylor’s brows gathered, his forehead furrowing. “What? Did I do it wrong?” He ran a hand through his hair.

“No, no, it’s just, I don’t want to be just another aching heart when you leave town. Let’s keep this a light and casual friendship,” Roberta said, her mouth set hard. “In September, I return to Massachusetts. In October, you return to LA.”Not to mention the gorgeous women you’ve had before me and will likely have after me.

He took her by the elbow and led her to the side of the dance area to a quieter place. “Look, I really like you, Bertie. You’re the first woman I have come across who doesn’t actually want anything from me or expect anything from me. You like me for who I am, not what I am. That’s pretty damn special to me,” Taylor said, his hand still holding her elbow, attempting to keep her close. “If we can keep it under the radar—”

“Under the radar?” she sputtered, the steam rising throughout her body.What? I’m good enough for under the radar but not good enough for prime time? Oh God, why am I even upset about that? I can’t indulge in a relationship with him no matter how much I might want to. Or not.She see-sawed between the desires of her head and the desires of her body. Despite the alcohol, tonight, her head was winning.

“Give it a chance. Give me a chance, Bertie.” Taylor’s teal eyes sparkled in the lantern light.

Roberta shook her head, yanked her arm free, and walked away. She wandered around the tent area for a few more minutes, trying to cool her temper, before she decided to call it a night. Before the dances, she had spent most of the evening on the outskirts of the gathering, watching the animated behavior of the cast and crew ofSheer Legacyas they partied. She slipped unnoticed among them, the beautiful men and women of the cast in their hip, trendy, West Coast clothes and full makeup, completely overblown for the simple occasion.

She overheard her name being mentioned on her way through the table area. Not sure where it had come from, Roberta stepped into the shadows and stopped to listen.