Page 48 of Hollywood Hotshot

Two hours later, after getting her cell phone replaced while she and the dogs waited in the store, Roberta had the answer. The laboratory director was only too happy to let her go early if it meant keeping their bonus money. The woman she was covering for would return early, leaving her free to leave immediately.

Back at the house, a white van with a mural of frolicking cartoon puppies across its sides pulled into her driveway. Sara’s head popped out of the driver’s window.

“How are the dogs doing?” Sara asked, both hands resting over the top of the steering wheel of her vehicle. The engine idled, and cool air flowed out the window along with her words. “And you, of course. How are you doing?”

Roberta cracked a faint smile. Leave it to Sara to ask about the dogs’ welfare before inquiring about the human’s welfare. But that was just like her. She always focused more on the four-legged critters who couldn’t care for themselves.

Leaning against the driver’s door, Roberta looked into the van’s front compartment. A Chihuahua puppy sat in a small carrier strapped to the passenger’s seat. “I took them to the vet for a quick check-up. They’re fine despite their ordeal.” Roberta sighed and continued. “I was going to call you. I’ve decided to leave Melville. I’m going back home.”

“What! Are you afraid someone will come after the dogs again?” Sara asked, a genuine look of concern on her face.

“No.” Roberta gripped the door windowsill. “Didn’t you hear the news about Taylor?”

Suspicion in her voice, Sara gave a hesitant smile. “What’s goin’ on?”

Roberta told her everything she knew about the sudden engagement, which was more or less a rehash of what she’d learned online.

“Oh, Bertie, I’m so sorry. Are you all right?” Sara clasped Roberta’s hand between both of her own.

Again, Roberta nodded, “Yes, I’ll be fine. Even better when I get far away from him and this house.”And all its memories.

Before two in the morning, three days later, Roberta turned off her car in the driveway of her Branfield, Massachusetts home. Fortuitously, she had not seen nor heard from Taylor during her final two days in the house as she packed her meager belongings and cleaned the house. The final look around gave her heartache as she envisioned Taylor: on the deck, at the kitchen table, stretched out on the couch watching a football game. Roberta didn’t dare say her goodbyes to the bedroom. Those were memories she was not sure she wanted to forget. Not just yet, no matter how much they might hurt.

Weary to her toes after two days of driving, Roberta brought Bling, Goober, and Tucker into the house first, setting them up with fresh water and food. They ate sparingly and drank deeply before settling in their favorite spots before the fireplace.

Bleary-eyed, she headed out to the car to grab a handful of necessities. At the car door, she stood, already half asleep, staring at the pile of bags and boxes stuffed into the front passenger seat. Tears overwhelmed her, flowing freely down her cheeks and neck as she finally let off the pressure and tension that had built up over 486 miles.

Several minutes passed before she dried her eyes with the ends of her T-shirt. Again, she surveyed the assortment of packaged belongings.

“Screw it,” she said, grabbing her purse. Back in the house, she crashed face down on the couch, giving in to the desire for oblivion.