Page 46 of Hollywood Hotshot

Taylor’s steps faltered. He stopped and turned back toward her. “She wouldn’t leave without her dogs.”

“She did find her dogs at the local shelter. And when she saw what I have in this envelope, she up and left town.” Melissa waved the envelope in the air again.

Folding his arms across his chest, Taylor said, “I don’t believe you.”

“Check her house. Her belongings are gone.” She flung the envelope down on the table and crooked her finger, inviting him over.

A cold chill ran down Taylor’s spine. He stared at the envelope as though a rattlesnake sat in the center of the table. She shoved the envelope toward him again. He hesitated before grabbing it. Ripping open the flap, he peered inside a moment before glaring at her. His jaw set hard as his teeth ground together, and his face turned a light shade of red. Lips thinned, he pulled out a pile of photos. Slowly, he flipped through each image, giving each a mere second of his attention before moving on to the next, his color expanding from pink to darker and darker shades of red to near purple.

“You see, my dear, no one will want the movie star Taylor Reyd in their next movie after they find out he’s really gay. And here’s the sad proof of the matter.” Melissa’s wry smile started small before spreading across her beautiful face.

“I didn’t have sex with that man!” Taylor hissed, his words and breath coming out staccato.

She gathered up the photos and stuffed them back into their protective envelope before tossing it back into her bag. “Well, sure, darling, but all it took was photoshopping my body out of each picture and a little creative repositioning, and no one will ever believe otherwise. One look at these photos, and your gigantic female fan base will disappear in a heartbeat.”

He closed his eyes and tried to recall the time so far back in high school when he and Melissa had experimented with a threesome. A high school buddy, Neil, from the acting program had agreed to help him fulfill her fantasy. He had forgotten about the incident. How photos had been taken, he didn’t know.

As far as he was concerned, love is love is love, as Lin Manuel had so simply and eloquently said. And he had no business passing judgment on anyone’s love life. But he knew some in Hollywood thought differently. These pictures could destroy his career. As she had said, his fan base was entirely female. It could evaporate overnight if word and some semblance of proof surfaced that might indicate he preferred men. Taylor’s teeth ground together hard.

He remembered his friend, Ricky. His popularity hadn’t changed after he came out as gay. But Ricky was a singer, not a movie star. Taylor was smart enough to realize loss of his fans’ support would destroy his career. And it could seriously damage Neil’s reputation as well. Last he heard, Neil was on location filming his first movie in Thailand. The scuttlebutt could detrimentally harm him and his career as well. Even in this more open and diverse age, it would be presented as scandalous and immoral by the gossip, the press, and the tabloids.

Laurel would have a stroke. The uproar would not be considered good by his movie’s production company either. While the mild publicity over the summer had been less than stellar, something of this magnitude would surely lead them to sue Taylor for breach of his contract.

Scrubbing a hand over his face, he beat down the trembling taking hold in his bones. “What do you want? Money?”

Melissa’s bright, light, tinkling laughter grated on his nerves. Fists clenching, he struggled to control the urge to smash them into her amused face. “Heavens, no. I need you to go along with me and stay silent.” Her eyes turned hard and deadly serious as she stared back at him. “Got it?”

What choice did he have? If Roberta was gone, what else mattered except saving his career and saving Neil from Melissa’s wrath as well? Taylor dropped his head, chin to his chest, and let out a huge sigh. Was there a way to agree with her now and turn to his lawyers for help later? With a resigned nod, he agreed.

She snapped her fingers and gestured to the spot beside her. “Good! Stand up and walk me into the main dining room,” she ordered gleefully. She reached into her dress pocket and shoved something on her finger, settling herself by Taylor’s side and snatching hold of his arm.

On a cue from Melissa, the maître d’ threw open the doors. Flashbulbs ignited, blasting them in a barrage of lights as shutters clicked. A cacophony of shouted questions darted at them as the crowd of reporters, cameramen, photographers, and paparazzi swarmed forward to greet them.

“Enough! Enough people!” She called out, one hand clutching Taylor’s arm while her other was held up, palm out to hold them back.

“Ms. Cahill, well, did he do the deed?” someone called out from the rear of the press. A cluster of chuckles rang out at the insinuation.

“He did indeed!” Melissa removed her left hand from Taylor’s arm and lofted it for them to see. On her ring finger blazed a nickel-sized diamond solitaire engagement ring. Taylor’s gut spasmed as his mouth fell open. How could she have gotten her hands on anything so extravagant and expensive?

“No date is selected yet. We’ll be sending out another press release when more information becomes available.” Melissa deftly answered as many questions as possible. Enjoying the attention, she posed and gesticulated with her left hand, making sure the rock on her finger was visible.

“Safe to say, though, we won’t be waiting long. After all, we’ve been together since high school.” Melissa said with a wink and a smile. The room exploded again with flashes and questions at her implication.

His mind in overdrive, searching for an exit, Taylor had to get her out of there before she managed to say something that couldn’t be undone later.

Melissa teetered on her heels, nearly knocked off her feet as Taylor slung his arm around her waist and firmly steered her toward the kitchen door.

“Taylor, I am not done!” She pouted, struggling to keep up with him as he hustled her through the kitchen to the back door. He ignored her protests and dragged her along, the warmth of the kitchen accentuating the cold sweat on his body.

They emerged into the alley to find a throng of screaming fans. Dominic at the wheel, the car inched toward them, parting the teenage mob. In seconds, they sat in the backseat. Taylor slumped against the door, trying to get his bearings. What had just happened? He glanced over at her. She had a smug smile on her beautiful face, probably congratulating herself on a well-executed plan. His fists clenched again, wanting to pummel something.