Page 18 of Hollywood Hotshot


Several days later, Taylor ventured across the lawn, heading straight for Roberta, stretched out in a deck chair, soaking up sunlight and sipping lemonade. The dogs slumbering at her feet jumped up on his approach, clearly looking forward to playtime. He motioned them to sit, then lie down. They complied, their big soulful, sad eyes clinging to him in case he changed his mind. Roberta glanced over at him, then turned away.

“Hey,” he said once he reached the rail. “Want to go for a ride?”

Roberta’s mouth dropped open, the straw to her lemonade hanging loose. Two heartbeats later, she gathered her wits enough to close her mouth.Is he really asking me to go out with him after what he’s done?

“W-where? Now?” She reached for her straw, shoving it back into her mouth. Did he think they could just go back to normal?

Eyes sparkling, his eyebrows scrunched up once before he answered. “Yeah, now, on the woodland back-trails not far from here on one of the ATVs from the set.”

Roberta slurped her lemonade, eyes narrowed. She was still hurting from the comments at the party, both his and those of the other guests. She pulled the straw from her mouth. “I don’t know. You sure you want to risk being seen with me?”

“Ah, Bertie, don’t be that way. I can’t afford any bad PR right now,” he said, sinking down in a chair and turning soulful eyes on her like Tucker and Goober did when they wanted something. It was hard to resist Taylor, especially when he called her Bertie. She’d never had a nickname. No one had ever cared enough to give her one.

As if sensing her indecision, Taylor pressed his case. “Come on, I was on those trails today during filming. They’re safe. It’ll be fun. Besides, I have something I want to show you.”

“I’ve never driven an ATV.”

“I was only able to get one. You’ll have to ride behind me.”

A rush of heat flashed through her. It was the perfect excuse for her to be able to touch him again. To lean into him with her arms wrapped around his waist. It was also an opportunity to ask for her manuscript back. Then choke the life out of him for stealing it. “Okay.”

Decision made, Roberta gathered the dogs into the house, grabbed her cell phone and keys, and met Taylor in her driveway. They traveled in Roberta’s SUV to not create a stir going through the roadblock. Taylor ducked down to hide from the horde of fans who still camped out daily, waiting for a glimpse of him.

He directed Roberta to the other side of town, where the production company had set up for outdoor location shoots. Waved through the security gate once Taylor was recognized, they walked to the staging area where the ATVs were kept. In minutes they were zipping along a well-established, tree-lined dirt lane, tires kicking up a cloud of dust.

Taylor maneuvered the vehicle confidently, expertly navigating the terrain as Roberta clung on like a barnacle, both nervous and exhilarated. The terrain grew steeper as they ascended an incline. The higher they went, the shorter the trees became, until only shrubs grew up on either side of the path. They continued for twenty minutes before emerging on a flat, rocky, treeless hilltop. Taylor cut the motor, and they got off the machine.

The vista was spectacular. Rolling hills covered in evergreens and deciduous trees surrounded their hilltop. They stood on a rocky, barren plateau. A summer haze obscured the distant horizon, but three to four miles were visible. Over to the south, Roberta could make out the town of Melville. If it weren’t so hazy, she expected she might be able to see the skyline of Pittsburgh off to the east.

They stared into the distance, checking the horizon in all directions before turning to face west. The few clouds were stained pink and orange with the setting sun's rays. The glorious colors and scenery took her breath away.

“Spectacular up here, isn’t it?” Taylor asked. “I thought of you and how much you would like this view when I got up here earlier today.”

Roberta gritted her teeth. It was such a nice thing to say. Regardless of his honeyed words, now was the chance to ask.But the scene is so pretty and serene. It’s a shame to ruin it with an argument.There was no doubt in her mind the coming conversation would end in more hard feelings.

“You all right?” Taylor asked, head tipped to one side as he studied her.


“No. I’m not all right. And I’m sure you know why,” Roberta said, the thud of her heart strengthening and accelerating.

Taylor looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. “You sore at me for making a pass at the party?”

Roberta walked around the ATV, stopping to put the machine between them.

“No. Right night, wrong incident.” She waited a second, took a deep breath, and said, “Where’s my manuscript?”

The frown lines on Taylor’s forehead smoothed, and his eyes went gentle. “I don’t have it.”

The bottom of Roberta’s stomach dropped out.If he doesn’t have it, who does?

His eyes watched her closely, his hands fumbling with the ATV keys. “I mean, Ididhave it, but I don’t have it now. It’s in Pasadena being looked at by some associates of mine.”

A wave of nausea surged through her body. Trembling, she reached out for the ATV to steady herself. At least she knew where it was, but it didn’t solve the problem of getting it back.

Hardness filled her eyes. “I want it back now, Taylor. You had no right to take it or send it to anyone else.”