“I was hoping to get a moment of peace before I went back inside,” Jodie said wearily. “Where’s your wife? You’re slurring your words and you should go home.“

“I don’t want to go home.” Dimos’s voice rose sharply. “I want to know how you could have chosen him. I had followed you around for years and all that time you wanted Stergios. Why?”

Stergios went still and he found himself waiting for Jodie’s answer. He had done things he wasn’t proud of but that didn’t stop Jodie from loving him. He wanted to know why.

“He’s cruel and barbaric,” Dimos continued when Jodie didn’t respond. “Ruthless. He thinks this is his castle and we are his minions. I don’t know what promises he made when he bedded you—”

“Stergios is the best man I’ve ever known.” Jodie’s voice cut through Dimos’s tirade. “He takes care of his own.”

Stergios frowned. He wasn’t a good man. At times he was a monster. Jodie knew that firsthand. But he was the best man—the only man for her.

“He is a man of his word,” Jodie continued, her voice vibrating with emotion, “and he would do anything for his family. He is going to be an amazing husband and an extraordinary father. He has restored my faith in men and that is saying a lot.”

“You could have had me,” Dimos said bitterly. “It would have been a wild ride.”

Stergios bunched his hands as he saw a mist of red. The idea of Dimos touching Jodie sickened him.

“No, I couldn’t,” she said in a withering tone. “And do you know why? Because you’re right. It was always Stergios. There was no competition.”

Dimos’s laugh rang out in the dark garden. “You are delusional, Jodie. The man is only marrying you to claim his heir. He’s going to get bored with you within a month and then he’ll pursue the world’s most beautiful women like he used to. A year from now he will dump you and the brat in some apartment far away from here.”

“You don’t know Stergios.” Her voice wavered.

“No, you don’t,” Dimos argued. “He’s telling you what you want to hear. You are infatuated with an illusion.”

Stergios had heard enough. He didn’t need anyone poisoning Jodie’s mind. He walked past the stone column. “There you are, Jodie,” he said as he watched them both jump guiltily. “It’s late and you’ve been on your feet all day.”

Jodie didn’t glance at Dimos as she gathered her skirts in her hands and climbed the steps. She reached for Stergios’s hand and laced her fingers with his. She didn’t say anything as he escorted her inside. As they climbed the grand staircase to his bedroom suite, Stergios asked, “Was he bothering you?”

“He’s a pest, nothing more.”

“I could always transfer him.” His mouth twisted as he thought of a list of unglamorous locations. “Somewhere cold and rainy.”

Jodie gave a light chuckle. “It’s a tempting offer. I can’t believe you thought I was interested in him. He’s immature and spoiled.”

“He’s also closer to your age, handsome and charming.” He remembered how he’d considered Dimos a worthy opponent for Jodie’s attention. At times it felt as if Jodie preferred his cousin’s company. “He’s very popular with the women.”

“Is he? I’ll take your word for it,” she murmured as he opened the door to their bedroom suite. She reached for his bow tie and drew him into their room. “You were far too popular with the women at the party.”

He liked the possessive quality of her voice. “No, all eyes were on you.” Stergios lightly brushed his finger against her ear. “You were made for these stones.”

She gave him a questioning look. “What is it about these amethysts? Is there a story behind them?”

“There is.” And tonight he would tell her when they were in bed together. Heat flooded him as he imagined Jodie yielding underneath him, wearing only the amethyst earrings and necklace. “Have you heard about the Antoniou legend?” he asked as he kicked the door closed.

* * *

Jodie heard the helicopter descend on the island and her smile widened. Stergios was home. She swung the door open and ran lightly on the path. She couldn’t wait to tell him how much the baby had kicked during the day. Maybe tonight Stergios would get a chance to feel the baby move.

“Stergios!” Her heart felt as though it was going to expand as she saw him walk down the steps. He was a commanding force in his pinstripe suit and red tie. She met him with a kiss and drew back when his mouth was slack against hers. “What’s wrong?”