“Damn it,” she muttered as she pulled her cellphone from her pocket and called Sam’s cellphone.

“Sheriff Garrett.”

“Sam, it’s Rory Heston. Two of my cows are missing.”

“Damn, Rory. I’m sorry to hear that,” Sam said.

“Can you send someone out to look around?”

“I can make a call for you. Montana Department of Livestock needs to oversee that, not me.”

“You’re right. I didn’t even think of it.”

“I’ll make a call, Rory. They will get someone there right away.”

“Thanks, Sam. I’d appreciate it. Losing any cows costs me money,” she said.

“I know. I’ll call them now. Hang in there.” Sam disconnected.

“Sure. I’ll hang in there. What else do I have to do?”

A knock on the door startled her, and she turned to see the door open, and her foreman stuck his head in.

“Buster.” She motioned for him to enter.

“Did you see anything?”

“There’s a section of fence cut, but I didn’t go any further than that. Sam is calling the MDOL. I’m sure they’ll send someone out soon.”

“Good idea. They’ll take care of it. I’ll head back to the barn then. We’re about done with the milking of the cows for today.”

“All right, Buster. I’ll talk to you later. I’ll be here to wait for the livestock agent if you need me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He touched the brim of his hat and walked out the door.

An hour later, Rory was on the verge of being royally pissed when she heard a vehicle outside. She walked to the door and saw a pickup truck with the Montana Department of Livestock symbol on the door.

“About damn time,” she muttered and watched the agent step from the truck.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped onto the porch. He stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her. She couldn’t tell what he looked like because of the thick beard, but he also wore sunglasses, and his cowboy hat shaded his face.

“Ma’am, I’m Agent Richards with the Montana Department of Livestock. I’m looking for Rory Heston.” He lifted the badge from his belt and showed it to her, then clipped it back onto the belt.

“I’m Rory Heston.”

“You are?”

“I am.” People questioned her name all the time. She raised her chin.

“Yes, ma’am. I understand some of your cattle are missing.”

“Two of my Holsteins are.”

“Can you show me where they were last?”

God! His voice was amazing. Too bad she didn’t like beards.

“Yes, do you want to go in my truck?”