“He did it because it was the right thing to do, Rory. You were his wife. If his parents wanted the farm, they shouldn’t have just signed it over to him. I suppose they figured he’d outlive them.” He hugged her tight. “It will be fine, darlin’.”

“I know. Go to the bathroom and I’ll be along after I get your meds.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He kissed her forehead.

He watched her head for the kitchen while he strode down the hall to the bedroom then entered the bathroom.

Once he reentered the bedroom, he saw Rory sitting on the side of the bed with a pill bottle in her hand.

“I’ll put these here in case you wake up later and need one. Call me if you need me. Your phone is on the nightstand. Get some rest.”

“I will. I hate taking those pills because my brain gets foggy, but they help with the pain.”

“I know, so make sure you take them. I’ll be back later to check on you.” She stood, kissed him, and left the room.

He shook a pill out of the bottle, tossed it into his mouth, and sipped some water. The pill would help soon, so he toed off his boots, lay on the bed, and closed his eyes. He knew Rory would be here when he woke up. He knew she’d always be here for him, just as he would be for her.