“Quit flirting with my woman,” Wilder snapped.

Rory and Nick laughed.

“Like you can do anything about it.”

“Nick, you need to stop because I can see the vein popping out on his forehead,” Rory said, laughing when Wilder glanced over at her.

“You two should go on the road as a comedy team,” he said.

“Hey, if you trust me with your woman, I’m game.”

“Fuck you, Nick.” Wilder looked at Rory. “I know, watch your language.”

Rory snorted out a laugh. “I think he knows me too well.”

“Sounds like it. Come on, little brother, let’s get you inside so you can get some rest.”

Rory ran up the steps, opened the door, and watched Nick help Wilder up the steps. He was still very sore and couldn’t use his arm yet.

“I can walk, Nick.”

“There he goes with that macho bullshit again.”

Wilder stopped and his eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

“You just wait until I’m better,” he said.

“Promises. Promises.” She laughed when he winked at her.

After getting him to the sofa, Nick left, telling her if she needed him to call. She knew Wilder wanted to get more of his clothes, but since he was to take it easy for a couple of weeks, she’d go to his place and get some for him in a few days.

As she watched him lying on the sofa, she could see he was still in pain. Well, having a bullet rip through your body couldn’t feel very good. His skin was a little pale and sweat beaded on his upper lip.

“Wilder, do you want a pain pill?”

“Please. This hurts like a bitch.”

She smiled and got him a glass of water then handed him the medicine. He tossed the pill into his mouth, took a drink of water and swallowed it then set the glass on the coffee table.

“It will kick in soon.” She brushed his hair back from his forehead.

“I know.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“Maybe we should get you to the bedroom.”

He opened his eyes and looked at her.

“Are you trying to get me into bed?”

“Yes, but only so you can rest.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “We have the rest of our lives, don’t we?”

“We do.” He took her hand. “I’m really sorry about what happened to you.”

“Me too. My in-laws were so nice. I guess you just don’t know what people are capable of.”

“I’ve seen some messed up things, and I thought nothing could surprise me, but it shocked me to see Buster holding a gun on me.”

“He would have killed you.”