It was time to do something. He was tired of waiting, and since talking with Hal and Bernie, he knew they thought Rory was on to them, so maybe they’d talk. It was a chance he had to take.

After he put his cellphone in his pocket, he headed for his truck to get his vest, badge and weapon. He unlocked it with the key so the men wouldn’t hear him. He removed the badge and gun, pulled on his vest, and then headed back to the parlor he knew they were in. This had to go smoothly, or someone could get hurt.

As he strode to the parlor, he stuck the badge in the front pocket of his jeans. He stopped in front of the doors, held his weapon out, took a deep breath, and entered.

Chapter Ten

When Wilder entered, Hal and Bernie straightened up and watched as he strode toward them. He didn’t even stop when he heard sirens coming up the drive. Their eyes widened, and he knew they would run, so he pulled his badge out of his pocket and showed it to them.

“Don’t move. Montana Department of Livestock. You’re both under arrest,” he shouted.

Bernie raised his hands, but Hal looked like he was about to flee.

“Don’t make me shoot you, Hal, because I will. In fact, I’d take great pleasure in it.” He watched as Hal took a deep breath and raised his hands.

“You son of a bitch,” Hal yelled.

“Call me anything you want, but at least I’m not a thief. Turn around, and put your hands behind your backs.”

Once they did what they were told, he put cuffs on them and took each one by an arm to lead them out.

Wilder saw Reece running in the bunkhouse’s direction when they walked out into the sunshine.

“Reece,” Wilder shouted.

“He’s running,” Reece yelled back, and Wilder turned to see Duane’s truck driving off.


“I’ll take them, Wilder. Go get him,” Agent Sanchez said as he took both men into custody.

Wilder ran for his truck when he saw Rory out of the corner of his eye, but he kept going.

“Get in the house,” he yelled as he got into his truck and started it. He saw Reece running back to his vehicle.

“I’m going to head down the road, Wilder. You go after him through the pasture. He has to come out somewhere,” Reece told him on the two-way radio once he had gotten into his truck.

“All right.”

Wilder knew Reece would head for the road, and he drove like a madman behind Duane, but he was having trouble catching him since he’d had a head start. Once he reached the area where they stole the cows from the first time, he saw where Duane had driven through the fence and on to Trent’s land.

“Reece, he’s heading for the main road from Trent’s property. I’m losing him, but I should be able to see which way he went.”

“All right. Let me know. I’m heading toward Trent’s property.”

Wilder tossed the radio onto the seat and floored the truck. It bounced along the ruts in the field, but he wasn’t giving up.

“He just came out in front of me. I’m going to get around him and stop in the road,” Reece’s voice came over the two-way radio.

“On my way, Reece,” Wilder said into the radio.

Wilder pulled his cellphone from the pocket in his T-shirt and called Dave.

“Reece is following the suspect, Dave. I’m heading toward him. We should be able to box him in.”

“I have more men on the way, Wilder. Be damn careful,” Dave said.

“Will do.”