“Great. If I got paid, when do I meet the boss of this operation?”

“Not sure yet. There’s enough money to pay your debt and still have some left.”

Wilder opened the envelope and counted the money. Then he looked at Hal.

“Damn. Thanks, I appreciate it. I only had a few more days to pay the money. I was sure I was going to have to run.”

“Well, there’s more where that came from.”

“Are we taking more cows?”

“Yes.Ifyou want in on it.”

“Hell, yes. I’ll never make this kind of money at any job.”

“You sure won’t. Bernie or I will get with you about it.”

“Wait. Was Rory’s farm the first for you?”

“Yes, and the only one.”


“Why what?”

“Did you decide to do it to her?”

“Look, I don’t have to explain anything to you. If you want out, just say so, but you better keep it to yourself.”

“Or what?” Wilder asked in a low tone.

“Do it and find out.” Hal stared at him.

Wilder sighed. “I’m fine with it.”

“Money makes people do a lot of shit. I’ll get with you later,” Hal repeated before walking away.

“Son of a bitch.” Wilder pulled on his gloves, picked up the rake, and stabbed at the straw. Then, out of frustration, he threw the rake against the wall.

When was he going to meet the ringleader in this? He was getting so frustrated with all this. It wasn’t often that he worked undercover and with the way things have been going on this case, he hoped he never did again.

He had to speak with Rory. He tugged his gloves off, stuck them in the back pocket of his jeans, and headed out of the barn.

Glancing around, he didn’t see anyone, and he hoped no one saw him going to the house.Are you fucking her? We all think you are, anyway.Wilder knew he had to be careful where Rory was concerned and not just about her cows.

He walked across the porch, knocked on the door, and when it opened, he wanted to hit his knees and profess his love to her.

“I still don’t know who the big shot is in this,” Wilder said as he stepped into the kitchen.

“I can’t take this much longer, Wilder. It’s driving me insane.”

“You can’t take it? How do you think I feel? I’m so close. I can feel it.”

“Just arrest them.”

“I’d love to, but it will spook the…boss, as they call him. I can’t chance that. I want him.”

“Maybe Hal or Bernie would talk.”