Chapter Nine

Wilder entered the barn early the following day to see Buster talking with Bernie. They quit when he walked to them.

“Morning,” he said.

“Morning. I told Bernie here that you two will ride the fence,” Buster said.

“I rode it yesterday with Rory.” Wilder narrowed his eyes at Buster.

“And you’re going to ride it again. Is that a problem?”

“No. No problem.” Wilder stared at Buster for a few seconds.

“Let’s saddle up and go.” Bernie headed off to the stables.

“What’s up with him? Someone piss in his cornflakes?” Wilder grinned.

“No clue.” Buster shook his head. “Once you two get back, you can muck out the stalls.”

“Muck out the stalls? Why do I get that job more than anyone else?”

“Because I’m your boss, and you’ll do what I say.” Buster’s eyes narrowed, then he walked away.

“Yeah, fuck you, man,” Wilder muttered.

There wasn’t much worse to do on a ranch or farm than mucking out the stalls unless it was baling hay. Both were hot, tedious jobs, and no one liked doing them, but they were a necessary evil.

Wilder got a horse saddled with a heavy sigh and followed Bernie through the east pasture to the fence. Wilder rode behind him along the fence.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You just seem quiet this morning, Bernie.”

“I’m good.”

“Okay. You’re usually more talkative than this.”

“Just tired, I guess.”

“When will we get more of the cows?”

“I have to talk to… Hal.”

Wilder noticed the hesitation but said nothing about it.

“I see. It still amazes me you guys are doing this to Rory.”

“You seem awfully concerned about Rory. Are you fucking her? We all think you are, anyway.”

“Even if I was, it’s none of your business.”

“Bullshit. How the hell do I know if you’re telling her everything?”

“I’m not, okay? I told you I needed money. It has nothing to do with her.”

“It has everything to do with her if you’re involved with her. How do you think she’d feel if she knew you were in on the rustling?”