Bernie laughed. “If only my sperm were worth that much. A dairy cow has to produce a lot of milk, so they’re impregnated quite a bit. Rory sells most of the male calves and keeps the females for more milk once they’re old enough to get pregnant.”

“I read about it before I started working here.”

“It’s a big operation. Rory has more money than she’ll ever need. A few missing cows won’t break her.”

Wilder nodded and walked away before he shot him. Just reach back, pull his gun out, and shoot him. He knew he’d feel better.

“Asshole,” he muttered as he headed for another cow.

After they finished loading the cows, Hal climbed into the truck, fired it up, and drove off.

“Where does he take them?”

“I don’t know. That’s between him and the boss. This is as far as we go.”

“You don’t know what happens to the cows after this?” Wilder could feel his temperature rising.

“Nope. I got into this for the money. I don’t give a shit about those cows.”

“Or Rory, right?”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Bernie stepped closer to him.

“Exactly what it sounds like. If you cared about Rory at all, you wouldn’t do this. You’ve worked for her for years, and you do this. You lied to her face about not stealing from her, and you took Boo-boo for Christ’s sake,” Wilder snapped, and he knew he needed to calm down.

“Look, Rory’s great, but I need more money. If you can’t do this, then hit the road and never open your mouth about it, or you’ll regret it.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“You’re damn right I am. All I have to do is tell the right people, and you’re a dead man.”

Wilder sighed. “I just don’t know why you’d do this to Rory. I haven’t been around that long, and I really need that money, so it doesn’t bother me, but I would think it would you.”

“It did at first, but once I got the money the first time, it was worth it. She has insurance and makes a lot of money. It’s not going to hurt her.”

“Yeah, you’re right. How much money does one person need?”

It about killed him to say that, but if he kept getting angry, he’d blow his cover, and he couldn’t afford to do that.

“She’ll never spend what she has, so losing some isn’t going to kill her.” Bernie grinned. “Let’s get back. We have to start work soon.”

“What about Hal?”

“He’ll be back in time since it’s just down the road where he drops them off, and another truck picks them up.”

“Another truck? How many men are involved in this?”

“Five, but I only know of me, Hal, and the boss. The other two are who the boss deals with.”

“Just when do I get to meet this… boss?”

“That’s up to him. He’s probably waiting to see how you do at this or if you talk.”

“I’m not going to talk.”

“Yeah, since we don’t know you that well, we have to be sure. When you get that money, you won’twantto talk.” Bernie headed for the pickup truck.

“Yeah, whatever. Fucking jerks,” Wilder muttered as he walked to the truck.