“How desperate are you?”

“Pretty fucking desperate,” Wilder said.

Bernie walked back to him, stopped within feet of him, and stared at him.

“If you’re that desperate, I might have a way out for you, but I swear to God, you’re a dead man if you tell anyone.”

“Are you threatening me?” Wilder drew himself up to his full height.

“I’m not, but the man I work for would kill you himself,” Bernie whispered.

“The man you work for? What the fuck are you talking about, Bernie?”

“I know who’s behind the rustling—”

“What? Who?”

“That doesn’t matter. If you want in on this, keep your mouth shut,” Bernie growled out.

Wilder stared at him, then widened his eyes.


“Yes, and two other men here. I’m not saying more. If you report me, I’ll deny it, and it will be your word against mine. I’ve been here longer, so who do you think Rory will believe?”

Wilder wanted to punch him in the face, but he clenched his fists to keep himself in check. He knew Rory would believehim, not Bernie because he was a damn livestock agent.

“I’m not going to say anything. I’ll do anything to get out of this debt. The men I owe that money to, will kill me too, and trust me, they’ll take their time doing it.”

Bernie stared at him, then nodded. “We’ll talk later. Let’s get to work.”

Wilder huffed. He wanted information now, but he’d play it cool until Bernie was ready to talk. Wilder just hoped it was sooner than later. Who were the other two?


Rory brushed her bangs back from her forehead. It was stifling in the barn today.

She lifted the straw from the wheelbarrow, carried it into a stall, set it down, and spread it out.

A shadow fell across her, and she glanced at the door to see Wilder standing there.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi.” She leaned the rake against the wall, pulled her gloves off, and folded her arms as she gazed at him.

“I’m leaving for the weekend,” he said, then grinned.

“Oh, this is your weekend off, isn’t it?” she asked as innocently as she could and bit her lip to keep from grinning.

“Yep. What are you doing this weekend?”

Rory laughed. “You.”

Wilder chuckled. “I’m all for that.” He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow and introduce you to my brother.”

“I’ll be there around eleven. Are you sure your brother is okay with this?”

“My brother is fine with it. It’s my home too.”