He hadn’t felt like this in a long time about a woman. The sex had been amazing, and he wanted her again. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of her, which didn’t bother him.

It had been two weeks now since they’d had sex, and he had trouble not getting a hard-on anytime she was close. The smell of her perfume drove him insane.

He’d catch her looking at him too, and he’d have to look away from her or embarrass himself. He was thirty-four years old, and he acted like a horny teenager around her.

Later that night, he still sat on the sofa, staring at the TV but not seeing what was on. He jerked when the grandfather clock chimed ten times.

“Shit.” He sat up, got to his feet, and headed to the kitchen.

He got his boots from the mudroom, took a seat, and tugged them on.

“Where are you going?” Nick asked him when he entered the kitchen.

“I’m going up to check the cameras.”

“This late? Aren’t you supposed to be off this weekend?”

“Yes, but—”

“I know there’s no sense in telling you not to go. Sometimes I could just knock you on your ass. I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to get up early.”

Wilder grinned as he watched his brother shake his head, and leave the room. He was always telling Wilder he could knock him on his ass sometimes.

Though they were four years apart in age, Nick being the oldest, they were close. Wilder knew he could tell his brother anything, and it would go no further, and he knew Nick believed that about him. He grabbed his hat off the peg, opened the door, and walked to his pickup.

After climbing into his truck, he got his gun from the glove box, then started the vehicle, drove to Trent’s property and to the road where the cows were in Rory’s pasture. When he pulled onto the road, he turned off the headlights, stopped the truck to the side of the tracks, and checked the app on his phone, and it shocked him to see a pickup there along with a trailer. He backed his truck onto the main road and then pulled it onto the berm. He just hoped they thought nothing about it if they saw it.

“You should have checked the phone before coming here. Then you could have called for backup. You need to use your head, Richards, the one on your shoulders,” he muttered.

He opened the door on his truck, pulled on his holster and vest, stepped out, and quietly closed the door. He jogged down the road, entered the woods, and made his way up to where the truck and trailer sat.

Wilder kept back in the woods so no one would see him. He slowly crept closer. The closer he got, he could make out three different male voices. He could hear them talking but couldn’t understand what they said, so he moved closer.

“Cut that wire,” one said.

“I really didn’t think she’d put the cows back up here,” another said with a chuckle.

“Just get them loaded,” a voice snapped.

That voice sounded familiar, but Wilder had to be sure before he could do anything. He knew backup would never get here in time, but he wanted to see if he could make out who they were. He didn’t want to spook them.

“You’re sure you looked for more cameras?” another voice asked.

“Yes. I guess MDOL figured it did them no good to put cameras up.”

“Have you seen the agent back at the farm?”

“No. I don’t know what’s going on. Rory hasn’t said.”

Rory.Wilder thought that voice sounded familiar, but he couldn’t be sure since they spoke in low tones, and he couldn’t accuse someone without proof. He knew it had to be someone who worked for her, but they didn’t talk loud enough for him to figure out exactly who it was. The only thing he was sure of was that one or more of her employees were involved. Damn. He was hoping none of them were. Now, he just had to watch them all more closely.

Wilder knew he couldn’t arrest them tonight. He’d work on the farm, and he’d get another agent here and make the arrest when he was sure of who it was. Three against one were not good odds.

A twig snapped behind him, and he put his hand over his weapon, unsnapped the retainer button, spun around, and clenched his jaw when he saw Rory creeping through the woods. She hadn’t seen him, but he had to get to her before she did something foolish and confronted the men.What the hell did she think she was doing?


Rory tiptoed through the woods. She could hear voices, and she wanted to see who was stealing from her. She just prayed it wasn’t any of her men.