“Let it go, Rory. Let it go, baby,” he said, and it threw her over.

She screamed out his name. He moved up her body, pressed his lips to hers, and she reached for the condom on the nightstand. She opened the packet, put her hands between them, and rolled it on him.

With his lips still on hers, he inched into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slid in and out of her.

She never felt anything like this as she moved her hips in rhythm with his. He picked up the pace and pounded into her harder when she felt it again.Again? So soon? God! She needed it.

“Wilder, please. Please take me over again.” Good Lord! She had never begged before, but she needed that orgasm, and she knew this man could give it to her.

Rory ran her hands up his muscular arms and gazed up at him. He placed his hands on each side of her head, pushed himself up, locking his arms, stared into her eyes, and moved harder against her. Then he sat back on his haunches, grabbed her hips in his hands, and took her hard.

She gasped as her orgasm hit her, then she groaned as it seemed to go on forever. He leaned down over her, took her lips in a deep, hard kiss, and groaned into her mouth when he came. Then he lifted his lips and placed his face in the crook of her neck.

Both of them were breathing hard as Rory wrapped her arms around him.

“God, that was fantastic,” she whispered and kissed his cheek.

He raised his head, looked into her eyes, kissed her lips, and smiled.

“Fantastic is an understatement.” He rolled onto his back beside her.

As she tried to catch her breath, she thought about sex never making her feel so…fulfilled. She turned on her side to face him and saw him looking at her.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“How good it was.” He rolled to face her.

“I was too.” She frowned. “I’m not a slut.”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, then he laughed.

“I never thought you were.”

“Wilder, we’ve known each other for a week.”

“So? If two people are attracted to each other, why shouldn’t they get together?”

“I don’t know. I suppose you’re right, but you’re here to do a job.” Doubt began to set in about this.

“Okay. So, what are you saying? We shouldn’t do this again?”

Rory scooted up against the headboard and pulled a pillow over her naked breasts.

“I think, for now, it would be best.”

He sat up and stared at her.

“Best for whom?”

“Both of us. What if the men find out?”

“Rory, you’re a grown woman. Why is it any of their business what you do?” He got out of the bed and it took everything not to look at him standing there naked.

She put the pillow down, got up from the bed, picked up her robe, and headed for the bathroom. In the doorway, she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him.

“I think we rushed into bed a little fast—”

“Excuse me? You’re the one who brought me to your bedroom,” he snapped.