Chapter Twenty-Seven


Something was not right.

Not at all.

We had been in the middle of Top Gun, the beach volleyball scene to be exact when Demon had stormed out of the clubhouse with King hot on his heels. I had even made it through meeting Zag’s mom, and I understood even more why Zag was the way he was. His mom was beyond nice, and when I stumbled on my words, she hadn’t even blinked.

Paige had jumped up and followed King and Demon out the door.

“I should probably go out there, too.” Meg drawled.

Cyn rolled her eyes. “Then you should probably get your butt off the couch unless you can suddenly communicate through walls.”

The rest of the club filed into the common room. Well, all except for Zag and Frost.

Reva walked up to Hero and put her hand on his chest. “What is going on?”

Hero ran his fingers through his hair and looked around. “I don’t even fucking know where to start.”

This was not good at all.

“Where is Z-Z-Zag?” I questioned.

“The real question we should all be asking is where the hell is Zig?” Pie grumbled. He walked behind the bar and set up a row of shot glasses.

Meg reached out and squeezed my hand. “It’s okay, honey. I’m sure he’ll be out in a second.”

But it wasn’t a second.

Twenty minutes later, Zag finally walked down the hallway with Frost behind him.

My body moved to him without even thinking.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

“What’s happened?” I mumbled into his chest.

“Too much, babe,” he whispered.

“What can I do?” Whatever he needed or wanted, I would do.

“There isn’t anything anyone can do.”

“Shots, Zag,” Pie called.

“I’m good. I’m going home.” Zag threaded his fingers with mine. “We’re going home.” He pulled me out the door and straight over to his bike.

King and Demon were standing by the bay door of the shop, both smoking. “Where did your mom go?” I asked.

Zag threw a leg over his bike and cranked it up. “Get on, babe,” he ordered.


I glanced back at the clubhouse door and saw Meg calling for King.

“What?” he hollered.

“What in the hell is going on?” she demanded.

“Get on the bike,” Zag called to me. He revved the engine and kicked up the kickstand.

“Are you sure you should be driving right now?” I asked him. I could quickly tell that Zag and the whole club were upset. Maybe he should stick around. They were his family, after all.

“Go back in the club,” King yelled to Meg.

“Tess,” Zag shouted.

Oh hell. I threw my leg over the bike and wrapped my arms around Zag’s waist.

“Are you okay?” I shouted to Zag.

He didn’t say anything.

We rocketed out of the parking lot and headed in the direction of Falls City.