Chapter Twenty-Six


“What time are you done with work today?”

I looked up from my computer and focused on Zag standing in the doorway of my office. “Uh, same as every day. Why?”

“Because I need to go to the clubhouse, but I can’t leave you here alone.”

I took off my reading glasses and set them on the desk. “Is something wrong?”

Zag shrugged. “I don’t fucking know. King called me about twenty minutes ago and said we were having church as soon as I could get there.”

That didn’t sound good at all. I glanced at my screen and pursed my lips. “Uh, can you give me twenty minutes, and then we can leave?” I needed to finish the task I was on, but the rest could wait until tomorrow.

Zag nodded. “That’ll do, babe. Hopefully, whatever this is about is good.” He walked out of my office, and I sat back in my chair.

I didn’t know how he thought King calling a last-minute meeting was a good thing.

The only way it would be good is if King told the club that Malcom was dead.

I finished my task and closed my computer.

It was time to make the ride to find out what King needed to tell the club.

I crossed my fingers and wished it was good news.



“I’ll be just down the hallway, okay?”

Tess sat down on the couch and looked around nervously. “Uh, okay.”

“Are you sure you are, okay?” I asked.

She looked anything but okay.

Her eyes darted around the common room, and she pasted a smile on her lips. “Meg will be b-b-back from the bathroom soon, r-r-r-right?”

When we had walked into the clubhouse, Meg had been waiting by the door. She promised to keep an eye on Tess before I could even ask her to. It seemed that Meg had taken a shine to Tess.

Tess had seemingly relaxed at Meg’s promise, but then she had scurried off to run to the bathroom.

“I’m coming,” Meg called from down the hallway. She came running into the common room and skidded to a stop. “Cyn, Paige, Royal, Indy, Reva, and Fayth are coming over.” She turned back to the hallway. “Buster,” she shouted. “Get your butt out here. Your aunties are on the way over.”

Buster came barreling down the hallway and ran straight to Meg. Meg bent at the waist, and Buster leaped into her arms.

“Did you train him to do that?” I asked.

Meg beamed proudly. “Duh. You do know that I am a dog whisperer, Zag.”

Meg flopped down on the couch next to Tess. “You better get to church, Zag. King was not very happy.”

“You don’t know w-w-what is going on?” Tess asked.

Meg shook her head. “I’m normally not the first to know, but I will know eventually. I always weasel the juicy news out of King.” Buster licked Meg’s nose and jumped over to Tess. “Though he has been a little pissy since I brought Buster home.’

Tess patted his head and laughed. “I don’t know how you can be mad at this cute little face.”

“Oh,” Meg drawled. “He’s not mad at all with Buster. He knows it isn’t Buster’s fault that his crazy mama picked him.”

“I don’t t-t-think you are crazy.”

The front door opened, and Cyn walked in. “Who’s not crazy?” she asked.

Meg raised her hand. “Tess thinks that I’m not crazy,” she called.

“Tess obviously hasn’t spent enough time with you.” Cyn dropped her purse on the pool table and walked into the kitchen. “Give it a few more hours, honey, and you’ll see the crazy firsthand.”

“Zag,” King called. “Get your ass in here.”

Meg flitted her fingers at me. “You better get your ass out of here, boy, before King snatches your ass up.”

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to the side of Tess’s head. “I won’t be long, babe.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” Cyn called. “Rigid did not seem like a happy man when we left.”

Rigid walked into the clubhouse and motioned to Zag. “Get your ass moving.”

I lifted my hands. “I’m coming.”