If only that could even remotely be true. “Uh, you can think that, babe, but I know that Malcom will come back.” And it was probably going to be even harder than he had been hitting us before.

She sat back in her chair and pushed her plate away. “Thinking about Malcom ruined my appetite.”

I reached for her arm and pulled her into my lap. “This food is too good to let that asshole ruin it.”

She draped her arm over my shoulder and leaned her head against mine. “It is pretty good, isn’t it?”

I chuckled and scooped up a bit. “Just as good as Meg’s.” I held the fork up to her mouth, and she took a bite.

“Meg is going to be so happy when I tell her how good it turned out.”

“Are you feeling better about the club now?” I asked.

She shrugged and reached for her plate and fork. “I guess so. I mean, I’m still hesitant about talking, but I just remind myself that they’re like you.” She shoveled a bite into her mouth and grabbed her soda.

“You staying here while you eat dinner?” I joked.

Tess smiled and took a sip of her soda. “I mean, it does seem like the best seat at the table.”

“My seat?” I asked.

“You in your seat with me in your lap,” she clarified.

I had to agree.

Tess in my lap was the best, no matter which way you put it.