
“This was not at all what I wanted.”

I raised my head and glanced over at Tess. “You wanted to sleep next to me.”

“When I said that, I didn’t mean I wanted to sleep next to you with a wall of pillows between us.” Tess sat up and put her hand on the six pillows I had lined up between us. “This is some bullshit.”

I shrugged and closed my eyes. “I gave you what you asked for. Now, go to sleep, Tess. You have work in the morning.”

She huffed, and the bed shifted. “I know that I have to work, Zag, but I’m not tired.”

“You said fifteen minutes ago that you were ready for bed. What changed?” I asked.

“The fact that when I said I was ready for bed, I really meant that I was ready to get into bed with you and make our way to second base.”

I opened one eye and peeked at Tess.

Her arms were folded over her chest, and she was glaring at me. “I want to be kissed.”

“Then get out of bed.”

She slapped her hands on the blanket. “You cannot be serious right now, Zag. I have read those biker books before. You should be throwing me down on any flat surface and having your way with me every ten seconds.”

“Ten seconds?” I chuckled. I closed my eye and settled back into the bed. “I don’t know any man who can get it up every ten seconds. Pretty damn impressive. I think those biker books lied to you, babe.”

“Ahh,” she screamed.

“Get the light before you lay down, babe,” I mumbled.

The bed shifted, and I listened to Tess move to the light switch and back into bed. “I’m mad at you.”

“No, you’re not,” I drawled.

“Yes, I am,” Tess insisted. “I want you, and you’re treating me like I’m fragile glass that will break if you touch it.”

“I’ve touched you, Tess. I know you’re not going to break.”

“Then why can’t we do more than kissing and touching with our clothes on?” she demanded.


“Because?” she hissed. “Your answer is just because?”

The pillow under my head suddenly disappeared, and my head hit the mattress. I opened my eyes, and Tess let out a muffled scream.

“Did you just scream into your pillow?” I laughed.

“Yes, and it’s all your fault.” She tossed the pillow onto my face and flopped back onto the bed. “I don’t know what it’s called, but you’ve given me blue balls of the female variety.”

I thought about it, and a smile spread across my lips. I pulled the pillow off my face and tossed it back at her. “I think you could call that blue bean.”

“I hate you, Zag. I really hate you,” Tess moaned. “I didn’t need a name; I needed a cure.”

“No, you don’t hate me, babe. At least you won’t as soon as that case of blue bean you got clears up.”

“And just when will that be?”

I shrugged and rolled over with my back to her. “Soon? And for the record, if you wouldn’t have insisted that we sleep together, you could be sleeping right now and not being tortured.’

“I’m not talking to you anymore,” she growled.

“You should,” I pointed out. “You haven’t stuttered once this whole time.”

“What she squawked? I have.”

Not that I had noticed. “You’re too distracted.”

“You’re cured my stutter by holding out on me,” she laughed.

I chuckled and relaxed. “I don’t think it’s the holding back sex, Tess. It’s more you’re just too distracted to worry about what you’re saying.”

“Whatever,” she grumbled.

“You’re welcome.”

A low growl sounded from her side of the pillow wall.

“You can thank me later.”

“I’m sure I will when I don’t want to smother you with this pillow wall.”

“Night, babe.”

She sighed heavily. “Goodnight, Zag.”