“You both know I can hear you, right?” Meg moved the mouse and typed for a second.

“What happened with Tacos and Titties?” I asked. Maybe it would be best to move Meg away from wanting a puppy.

“There were too many tacos and not enough titties,” Meg murmured. “There was even talk about it on the ol’ internet.”

Luna threw her hands up in the air. “There were plenty of titties there! All of the girls were working that night.”

“Maybe you need to hire more girls?” I suggested.

“I had enough girls,” Luna insisted. “It’s all Malcom and Dr. Douchebags' fault that I lost six, and now I can’t hire any new ones. No one wants to work at Sultry Knights until we find the psycho killing everyone.”

I winced and shrugged. “I mean, can you really blame them? I don’t think shaking your titties is worth dying for.”

Luna flipped me off. “You’re not helping, just like the rest of the guys. Why are you here?”

I furrowed my brow. “Uh, well, you’re in charge of the titties, so you don’t really need me helping with that.”

“Maybe we should stop referring to the girls as titties,” Meg hemmed. She squinted at her computer and smiled.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“Buster Pennington.” She looked up at me from her computer. “A blue merle Australian Shepard. He’s at the shelter in town.”

“What kind of name is Buster Pennington?” Luna laughed. “That’s a fancy name for a shelter to give a dog.”

Meg tipped her head to the side. “The shelter didn’t give him that name.” She smiled wide. “I did.”


This was not good. She didn’t even have the dog, and she had already named him.

So much was happening right now, and I didn’t know which way was up.

All I wanted to do was talk to Luna about getting in touch with Ransom. Hell, I should have just gone to the police station to find him.

“King is not going to let you get another dog,” Luna warned.

Meg threw her head back and laughed loudly. “As if Lo lets me do anything. I am my own woman, and I do what I want, Luna. You of all people should know that.”

Luma threw up her hands. “You’re right. It’ll be fun to have a puppy around. You should take Greta with you to look him over.”

Meg tapped her nose and pointed at Luna. “That is a great idea.” She grabbed her phone and started pressing buttons.

I held up my hand. “Uh, can I just talk for one second about neither titties or dogs?”

“Sure. I’m just going to call Greta real quick,” Meg muttered.

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“Tess,” I sighed.

“Who?” Luna asked.

I ran my fingers through my hair. “The woman who was with me when Malcom tried to kill me.”

“What about her?” Meg asked.

“I need to find her. She was taken to a different hospital from me, and by the time I got out, she was gone.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be found,” Luna shrugged.

I glared at Luna. “That’s not helping me.”

“I’m not technically trying to help you.”

“Helloooo,” Greta called through the phone.

“Girl, hold on,” Meg called. “I think Zag is in love, and he doesn’t know it.”

“What?” Luna and Greta gasped.

“I am not,” I insisted. “I just know Tess is in trouble, and I need to help her.”

“If you can’t find her, I’m sure Malcom can’t either,” Luna suggested. “Maybe you should just let her be instead of traipsing up to her house and bringing attention to her.”

“Who is Tess?” Greta asked.

“The woman who was with Zag,” Meg explained.

“Oh, her. Don’t worry about her, Zag. Bear is keeping an eye on her.”

Excuse me? “What do you mean Bear is keeping an eye on her?”

Greta tsked. “Let me get him. I don’t know what that man is truly doing half of the time.” Greta shouted for Bear to come to the phone.

“Maybe you shouldn’t get him,” Luna called.

I turned to Luna. “What?”

She shrugged. “I mean, maybe she really doesn’t want to be found, and if Bear is keeping an eye on her, you should just let her be Zag.”

What in the hell what going on?

“Too late,” Greta laughed. “The lumberjack is here.”

“What?” Bear called into the phone.

“Where is Tess?” I demanded.

“Who?” Bear asked.

“The cat is out of the bag, Bear,” Luna grumbled.

“Did I let the cat out?” Greta asked. “I didn’t know I was supposed to keep it in the bag. No one told me to seal up the bag.”

“How come I didn’t know about the cat?” Meg asked. “I always know about the cat before it gets out of the bag. Why did no one tell me about the cat?” Meg demanded.

“Because the cat winds up dead if anyone knows about it,” Bear growled.

Meg sat back and scoffed. “Are you saying that the cats I know about end up dead?”

“Yes,” Luna and Bear replied.