“Then where the hell is he?”

Snapper threw up his hands. “He flipped when he found out you were taken, brother. He hasn’t slept since we found out.”

I would have done the same thing if I was him. “I’m here.”

“I know,” Snapper laughed. “The whole club knows.”

“Then why the hell isn’t Zig here?”

“You’re gonna have to ask him that yourself, Zag. Something snapped in him.”

I closed my eyes and furrowed my brow. “My head hurt too much for me to understand what the hell is going on.” What did he mean by something snapped in Zig? “Give me your phone.”


“Because I’m going to call my fucking brother and find out what the hell is going on.” Snapper wasn’t giving me any answers that made sense. I wanted to talk to Zig personally.

“I got it.” Snapper connected the call and put it on speaker.

“What?” Zig snapped through the phone.

“I’m with your brother,” Snapper called. “Thought you might want to talk to him since he’s awake finally.”

“He’s awake?” Zig asked. His tone hadn’t changed, and he sounded almost mad.

“I thought your ugly mug would have been the first one I saw when I opened my eyes. Instead, I had to look at King and Frost,” I laughed.

Zig ignored my joke.  “You good?” he growled.

Snapper held up his hands as if to say he didn’t understand why Zig was acting the way he was.

“I’m told I should be okay. I feel like I’ve been blown up, but I’m sure that feeling will go away with time.”

“Good.” The call disconnected, and the phone turned dark.

“Did the call drop?” I asked.

Snapper grabbed the phone and swiped. “Uh, he hung up.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. “What the hell happened while I was gone, Snapper?”

Snapper sat back and kicked his feet back up on the bed frame. “I would say a lot, but also, nothing happened.”

“My head already hurts, Snapper, and that didn’t help at all.”

Snapper sighed. “Maybe you should just try to rest, and figure shit out later,” he suggested.

That wasn’t what I wanted to do, but my body and mind weren’t going to let me worry about it right now.

I drifted off to sleep, wondering how I had managed to escape Malcom, but life still wasn’t back to normal.

Far from it.