Chapter One


Where in the fuck was I?

One minute I was leaning against the back wall of the clubhouse smoking a cigarette, and then I woke up on a concrete floor with my head pounding.

The only light streamed through a window high up on the wall, and the rest of the room was shadowed in darkness.

I had no sense of time.

How long had I been here?

An hour? Six hours? Maybe even days?

I managed to sit up and crawled over to the sliver of light. My eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, but I couldn’t make out much of where I was. I held my hand out and walked until I touched the cool cement of the wall.

“Basement?” I whispered. The floor was concrete, and so were the walls. There weren’t many places like that.

But what basement and why was I here?

All I wanted to do was smoke a cigarette and then meet up with Zig and Frost to go over inventory for the shop. Even though I didn’t know what the hell time of day it was, I was pretty sure I had missed inventory.

But that also meant the Knights had to be looking for me.

I had been known to disappear from time to time, but at least one of the guys knew where I was. Normally that was Zig, so I was hopeful he had sounded the alarm that I was missing, and they were looking for me.

I patted my pockets, hopeful my phone was in one of them, but they were empty except for a receipt for gas and cigarettes. A lot of good that was going to do me.

“About time you woke up.”

The voice echoed around me, and I spun around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. The room was still dark.

“Who are you?” I demanded loudly.

“You know me,” the voice called.

I knew him? The voice wasn’t familiar, but it wasn’t like it was a distinctive voice. “Where am I?”

“Where you belong.”

I slowly turned around, praying I would be struck with night vision. “What the fuck is going on?” I shouted. “What the fuck do you want?”

A loud cackle bounced off the walls. “I’m giving you what you always deserved. You thought you had the last word, but you don’t.”

“WHO ARE YOU?!” My words echoed, but he didn’t answer. “AHHH!” I spun around toward the small sliver of light and took three steps toward it. My foot collided with something on the floor, and I fell to my knees. I reached out to feel what had tripped me and scrambled back when I felt warm flesh.

I wasn’t alone.