Page 8 of Suddenly Sexy

“Damn right. Now stop stalling and move,” Asia ordered as she      gave Julie a little push out of the conference room.

* * *

ERIC HEARD THE          TREAD of her footsteps. They were soft but the stride was determined.      He tilted his head back and groaned. He should have remembered that Julie Kent      was as stubborn as she was sweet.

At least they could have it out privately. He didn’t like      shutting her down in front of an audience, but Julie needed to realize that she      wasn’t ready to be a decoy. Eric rose from behind his desk just as she knocked      on his door.

“Come in, Julie.”

The door swung open and Julie peeked in. “How’d you know it was      me?”

“Lucky guess.” He crossed his arms and braced his legs. He was      prepared to battle it out with Julie. She needed to know that he was the boss      and the expert. She needed to accept his final answer, but he’d show some mercy.      The last thing he wanted to do was crush her spirit.

She quickly shut the door and stood in front of his desk. He      thought she was a bit nervous, but Julie placed her hands on her hips and met      his eyes with a steady stare. “I want to be the decoy.”

“Never going to happen.”

She blinked at his immediate answer. “Why?”

“Nothing against you, Julie, but you’re not the type.”

Julie arched one eyebrow. “Care to explain that?”

Eric knew he would have to choose his words very carefully.      “You don’t have the experience or the edge.”

“I’ve been on the dating scene for a while,” she said tightly      as she started to tap one foot. “I think I can handle myself quite well.”

“That’s not what I mean.” His gut clenched as he thought about      the men Julie dated. They were probably all gentlemen who knew how to treat her      like a princess. He wouldn’t be able to compete with that. Eric viciously pushed      the thought aside. “I’m sure the guys you dated were no match for you, but we’re      going after a different type.”

“No match for me? What are you trying to say? That I date a      bunch of spineless computer geeks?”

He was making this worse. Eric decided to sidestep that      question. “The decoy candidate needs to think fast when she’s trying to entrap a      man.”

“And she can only do that when she has the proper training and      experience?”

“That’s right.”

Julie tossed her hands in the air with frustration. “But how      can I get experience if no one will let me on an assignment?”

“That’s not my problem.”

“What if you give me on-the-job training?” she asked, her eyes      lighting up with enthusiasm. “You can teach me everything I need to know.”

Teach her how to seduce a man? Aw, hell, no. That idea had all      the markings of a disaster. But it didn’t stop him from imagining just how he      would tutor her in the art of seduction. He blinked away the image of him      caressing her soft, bare skin. “Still not going to happen,” he said gruffly.

“I’ll do it for free,” she offered recklessly.

If he was any kind of businessman, he would consider that      offer. Gunthrie S&I had serious money problems, and they could use all the      discounts and freebies that came their way. But this was Julie. He wasn’t going      to risk her neck to save a few bucks.

“If you want to be a part of the investigation, then you can      help with coordinating tasks.”

“A desk job?” She groaned and made a face. “Come on, Eric. I’m      at a desk all day. I want to get out in the field. I want some action.”

“The coordinator assignment is all I can offer you.” It was the      only job where she wouldn’t be at risk. It was the only job where he wouldn’t      have to worry about her. “You’re a rookie and you could compromise our      cases.”