Page 37 of Suddenly Sexy

She unbuttoned his jeans and drew down his zipper.

“Julie,” he warned against her mouth.

She didn’t want to stop. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and slowly pumped her hand. Eric tilted his head back and hissed between his teeth.

Julie watched his face as she stroked him. Her blood was roaring in her ears. She loved seeing him like this. On edge, off balance and unguarded. For one moment, he trusted her completely.

Eric wrapped his hand around her wrist and held her still. “Okay, Julie,” he said with his eyes closed. “You proved your point.”

It took a second before his words registered in her head. “What are you talking about?”

He removed her hand and hesitated before he took a step back. She immediately felt the loss of his weight and heat.

“You wanted to prove that you had power over me,” he said as he zipped up his jeans. “So, congratulations. You made your point. But don’t think that this changes my mind. I’m not going to help you.”

She flinched at his words. “That is not why I kissed you.”

He held his palms up. “I have done my best to keep my hands off you tonight.”

“I didn’t ask you to.” She needed to feel his hands on her body. Her skin. She needed his touch like she needed her next breath.

He looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck. “I know you needed some…reassurance after what happened with Lloyd.”

Julie’s jaw dropped and she felt a blush zoom up her neck before flooding her cheeks. “This had nothing to do with Lloyd.”

“And now you need to show that you have power over me.” Eric looked into her eyes. “I want you badly, so much that I can’t think straight. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you run right over me.”

“I don’t need any reassurance.” She hated how her voice shook. “Not from you. Not from anyone. And what just happened here was because I wanted it to happen.”

“Why did it happen?” Eric asked. His eyes were dark with suspicion. “You want a little adventure, is that it? A walk on the wild side? I’m not against it, but we both know I’m not your type.”

“True,” she said angrily. “I like a man who takes action and I got tired of waiting for you to make the first move.”

“You don’t even want to talk about it.”

“Because I know what you’re going to say.” She forcefully pulled her car door open. “That you’re sorry and it was a mistake.”

“I am sorry and it was a mistake.”

Julie wanted to roar. Scream. Stomp her feet. Instead, she sat down in her car and slammed the door shut.

“Eric,” she said as she started the engine, “the only thing you should be sorry for is thinking I have an ulterior motive for having sex with you.”

Eric sighed. “I am sorry.”

“And the mistake you made? It’s believing that I need to get your permission for anything.” She threw the car into Reverse and peeled out of the parking space.


THIS WASN’T HIS IDEAL WAY to spend a Saturday, Eric decided as he entered the nightclub. He could have spent the day with Perry, or gone through the financials for Gunthrie S&I. He would rather have spent it with Julie. If only he could find her!

Eric slowly made his way through the crowd. The music screeched in his ears and the pulsating lights made him squint. What was it about this place that made him feel old?

He wouldn’t willingly enter this club, but he knew Julie would be here. And if he were a gambling man, he would bet that she was doing exactly what he didn’t want her to do.

Looking over the swaying hands, Eric decided he had to give Julie credit. She was not easy to track. Whether it was by accident or design didn’t matter. He was a pro and he hadn’t been able to find her all day. But he knew that she would investigate Blondie and Red, and she last saw them in this nightclub.

He surveyed the room, gritting his teeth as his frustration bloomed. The men ranged from slimy to scrawny. Some of them were dressed in T-shirts and jeans like he was, but there were a few in shiny suits with slicked-back hair.

The women looked much the same. Long straight hair, glitter on their skin and dressed provocatively. Each woman tried to gain attention by their dancing. The movements were sexual and crude. None of the women had Julie’s feminine grace.