Page 29 of Suddenly Sexy

Julie’s eyebrows rose as she gave him a knowing look. “And because he didn’t look dangerous or pose any great physical threat to me.”

She knew him well. Eric was adept at hiding his feelings, but Julie could see right through his motivations. “Okay, you caught me on that. But give me a break. Next time I can’t choose the target. He might be scum who’ll try to get you naked before you say hello.”

“I doubt we will get that lucky,” she said as she reached for her jacket on the back of her bar stool. “You need to get a different decoy. Someone like Asia. If it had been Asia, Lloyd would be at the hotel next door right now, renting a room.”

Eric curled his finger under her chin. He didn’t speak until she met his gaze. “I don’t want Asia to be a decoy. I want you,” he said. “You showed that you are adaptive and instinctual. You need to develop those skills if you want to be a detective.”

Julie’s expression softened. “Thanks, Eric.”

He stroked her jaw. Her skin was warm and smooth. He wanted to explore her face with his hands and mouth. His eyes must have given away his intentions as Julie’s cheeks reddened before she pulled away.

“It shouldn’t matter if he was a serial cheater or not,” she said as she put on her jacket. “I should have tempted him.”

“You tempted me,” he reminded her. She had driven him crazy. Still did. “You made me forget all my good intentions.”

She stood up abruptly. “That’s different.”

“Why?” he asked in a teasing tone. “Do you still think I’m an easy lay?”

“I never said you were easy,” she said as she flipped her ponytail from her jacket collar.

He grasped the end of her ponytail and gave it a tug. “The assignment is finally over.”

He wanted to whisk her away and relive the heat they’d shared in the supply closet. The hotel room he’d been living in was just a few floors up. All he had to do was ask.

As much as he wanted Julie, he wouldn’t make his move tonight. Not when she was feeling vulnerable and had something to prove. He wouldn’t take advantage, even though his primal instincts called for him to pounce. He’d wait, no matter how much it killed him.

Eric let go of her ponytail and took a step back. It was a struggle as his body wanted to gravitate closer to Julie. “Everyone on the team is meeting up at the bar in the hotel next door for a drink.”

She frowned and blinked a few times as if she didn’t understand what he was saying. “Why? The assignment was a complete failure.”

“Were you made?” he asked. “Did Max get caught taking photos? Did the audio equipment cause any feedback?”

“No,” she said slowly.

Eric shrugged. “Then that’s reason enough to celebrate.”

“You need to raise your expectations,” Julie said with a shake of her head. “Why don’t you go on ahead? I’m going to use the restroom. I’ll meet you there.”

“Are you sure?” He didn’t like leaving her. Not when she was feeling discouraged.

“Do you really think I need an escort to the ladies’ room?”

Eric raised his hands in mock surrender. “I’ll save a seat for you.”

* * *

JULIE STEPPED INTO THE restroom and saw her reflection everywhere. On the oversize mirrors, chrome sinks and bathroom stalls. Several women with sleek hair and tiny dresses were at the mirrors repairing their makeup and liberally applying perfume.

She entered a stall, slid the latch shut. Exhaling slowly,

Julie allowed her shoulders to sag before she leaned her forehead against the smooth metal.

That didn’t go as planned. Julie closed her eyes and rocked her head from side to side. The only thing that went right was not being made as a decoy. That wasn’t a major achievement to celebrate. Lloyd probably didn’t think she was sexy or smooth enough to be a decoy.

Julie gradually opened her eyes and stared blankly through the door hinges. She felt numb and she welcomed it. The pain was there, just underneath, but she couldn’t deal with it yet.

All this time she thought that if she had a chance, she could show off her detective and espionage knowledge. She would show everyone that her skills were wasted on tracking uniforms.

What a bunch of bull. She felt a tear trail down her cheek, but she didn’t wipe it away. All of her detective and espionage skills were from books and TV. She used to think that it was okay that she was stuck in bed or in the house. She had considered it her incubation period. The moment she struck out into the world, she would be at a much higher level than any other detective her age.