Page 66 of Suddenly Sexy

“She’ll make that decision once she sees these pictures.” Asia patted the button of her shirt that was the video feed.

“And I can’t help think how great I had it with Eric,” Julie confessed as they walked out of the bowling alley. “I should make up an excuse to contact him. What do you think?”

“Forget about him,” Asia said bluntly. “If he hasn’t contacted you by now, he never will.”

Julie stopped in the middle of the parking lot. That wasn’t the advice she wanted to hear. “Didn’t you once tell me to stop fantasizing and go for it?”

“You had a wonderful time with Eric, but it was never meant to be permanent. It ran its course. You shouldn’t concentrate on the fact that it’s over. Celebrate the fact that it happened.”

That sounded oddly familiar. “Are you quoting Dr. Seuss?”

“Paraphrasing,” Asia said with a guilty smile. “But the guy is wise.”

Maybe one day she would remember Eric without the pain and misery. Right now it hurt just thinking about him and what she had lost.

“If you’re feeling social, come by for a slice,” Asia said as she headed for the pizzeria. “The peppers they use are so hot it will wipe out the taste of Wade.”

Julie made a face and stuck out her tongue as if it was contaminated. “Nights like these make me wish I got to work on the security contract for Z-Ray.”

“You’ll get there,” Asia said and waved goodbye.

Julie gave a small smile as she walked over to her car, which was parked directly under a light and in plain view of the bowling alley entrance. One day she would get to work on a prestigious contract. With a little patience and a lot of studying, she’ll have her dream job.

Julie pulled her keys from her purse and reached her MINI Cooper when a shadow fell upon her. Her heart lurched and instincts kicked in. Julie whirled around on her heel and struck out her arm. Her fist collided with a large hand. She tried to pull back but her assailant grabbed her wrist and immobilized her with little effort.

“You’re getting better.”

Eric? She stared at him as the call to fight seeped from her body. She must be hallucinating. He seemed taller. Leaner. And, damn it, sexier.

He let go of her wrist and slid his hands into his pockets. “Now what is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?”

* * *

ERIC SAW JULIE’S EYES narrow before she crossed her arms and braced her legs. She wasn’t happy to see him. At least she didn’t try to throw another punch.

He didn’t blame her for being angry. He had tried to be honorable, but that bit him in the ass. Typical. He had been in the wrong and hoped it wasn’t too late to correct his mistakes.

Julie’s gaze went from his head to his feet. “Where’s a Taser gun when you need one?”

Eric raised his eyebrows. “No need to get violent.”

“Bowling does that to me,” she said, clenching her hands at her side.

“I thought you were on a decoy assignment.”

“I was. We just finished and everyone is at the pizzeria. Why don’t you go over and say hello to them?”

“Maybe later.” He didn’t want to be with anyone else. He wanted Julie.

She had haunted his dreams until he couldn’t sleep. He missed her warmth and generous spirit. He wanted to be surprised by her crazy plans and be part of her world.

Julie didn’t look lovesick and wasn’t wasting away. From what Perry had said in emails, Julie had developed into a strong and confident woman. Eric studied the fitted T-shirt and snug jeans. “No alias tonight?”

“No,” she replied sharply. “How did you know?”

“Because I know you well. I can see you through the aliases. To the real you.” He saw her guarded expression and knew it was time to shut up.

“What are you doing here, Eric?”

He decided to play it casual since Julie wasn’t thrilled to see him. He hadn’t expected her to throw her arms around him…. No, that wasn’t true. He had hoped for an enthusiastic welcome. He should have known better. It’d been two long months.

“I was here to discuss the Jeremiah Boone case with the lawyers,” he said. “I decided to check up on Perry, as well. He told me where you were.”

“And you might as well see how I’m doing since you were in the neighborhood?” Her nostrils flared as she reined in her anger. “No need. I’m doing fine. Better than fine.”