Page 44 of Suddenly Sexy

Eric tore his mouth from hers and dropped his hands to grasp      her wrists. He was breathing hard, his skin taut across his cheekbones.

“Take off your dress,” he ordered. “Slowly.”

He dropped her wrists when she took a step back. Julie stood      still for a moment as she allowed her gaze to travel down his body. She watched      the rise and fall of his chest, the clenching of his hands at his sides and the      twitch of his cock. Her skin tingled and the throb deep in her belly      intensified. She wanted to crawl all over Eric and taste every inch of him.

Julie held his gaze as she peeled the dress from her breasts.      The muscle in his cheek bunched. She gave a slow shimmy as she pushed the red      dress past her hips. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears as her dress fell to the      floor.

She stood before him wearing a pair of red panties and her      platform heels. Julie didn’t want to cross her arms. Instead, she placed her      hands on her hips and allowed Eric a good, long look. She should feel shy or      vulnerable, but she didn’t. She wasn’t going to dip her head or hide her face      behind her hair.

Eric’s awestruck expression made her feel sexy and powerful.      She stepped out of the dress. “Anything else, Eric?”

“No,” he said hoarsely.

Her heart galloped as he reached for her. “What about my      shoes?” she reminded him.

“Keep them on.” He grabbed her by the waist and carried her to      the bed, laying her in the center of the mattress.

Eric knelt over her, his hands bracketing her head. She was      exposed to him and she enjoyed the spotlight. Julie stretched and arched her      back, reveling in his rapt attention.

She brushed her shoe against his muscular calf. She could do      serious harm to him with the heels, but he didn’t seem too concerned.

“I want to be on top.”

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “You’ll have to      fight me for it.”

She pushed at his chest but he didn’t budge. Now she wished she      had taken the advanced self-defense course. “That’s not fair—” Her next words      dissolved in her throat as he took her nipple in his mouth.

Julie’s spine bowed as Eric caught the tight bud between his      teeth. She bucked her hips against him and extended her arms as the pleasure      zipped through her veins. She was open to him. Exposed and willing.

Eric’s touch slowly drove her wild until she was gripping the      bedsheets and panting hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her shoes      digging in the small of his back, as she wantonly rubbed her sex against      him.

He curled his hands along the edge of her red panties and      dragged them down her hips. She wanted to kick them off, rip them, but Eric got      onto his knees and slowly tugged the red lace down her legs.

As he discarded her panties, Julie sat up and pushed at his      chest. “My turn on top,” she demanded. Much to her surprise, Eric smiled and      silently laid back, his head at the edge of the mattress.

She quickly straddled his hips. Excitement swirled deep inside      her as she saw him lying underneath her.

Eric wasted no time and clutched her hips to guide her slowly      onto him. She tossed her head back as white-hot sensations streaked up her      spine. She shivered, her skin flushing, as her body drew him in.

She rolled her hips and gasped as the intense pleasure unfurled      through her veins. She rode him slowly, enjoying the stinging need that swirled      low in her pelvis.

Julie rocked harder. She moaned when Eric held her breasts and      the heat rippled through her. When she placed her hands over his and squeezed,      she felt the tingle of it in her swollen clit.

She had to chase the pleasure. Julie rode Eric harder. Her hair      fell around her face as she stared, mesmerized by Eric’s expression.

He looked just as she felt. Primal. Aggressive. She tried to      hold off her climax. It was too soon. She wanted this to go on forever.