Page 32 of Suddenly Sexy

Was that what she was doing? Seeing a big case, a potential crime, where there was none? Julie gave a quick look at Eric. He was listening to her, but didn’t ask any questions. He remained watchful and quiet.

“It happens to everyone,” Martha said as she set down her cocktail. “When I first started out, I thought my neighbor was trying to poison his wife. They still won’t talk to me.”

“This is different. I saw them with key rings.”

“They were probably their key rings,” Ace said. “Did you consider that?”

“I did and I know the keys weren’t theirs. They said they were putting them back.” She clearly remembered hearing that. Her mind wasn’t playing tricks. “Anyway, they seem the type to have Chanel or Coach key rings. Not something with action figures.”

“They were probably updating their Facebook statuses,” Martha said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Lloyd is always doing something like that. As I was saying, Lloyd…”

Julie saw her colleagues, one by one, turn their attention to Martha. They didn’t believe her. She stood straight as she glanced around the tables. No one was interested in what she saw. They thought she was imagining all this.

Julie slowly walked to the empty chair next to Eric. When he stood up to help her into her seat, she forced a polite smile on her mouth. When she sat down, she saw that Asia was on her other side.

“Asia,” she whispered, “I know what I saw.”

Her friend patted her hand. “Honey, is it possible…”

“What?” She was wary of her friend’s cautious approach.

“Perhaps…” Asia tried again. “Could it be that your deductive skills are on hyperdrive right now?”

Her words almost sounded complimentary. Almost. “What does that mean?”

Asia twisted in her seat and lowered her head so she could speak privately. “Tonight was very important to you but your assignment didn’t go as planned. You want to end the night on a successful note and just happen to see a potential case. Not just any case, but one that deals with espionage.”

Wow. Julie stared at her friend, but no words came out of her mouth. She thought if anyone believed her, it would be her friend. She didn’t see that one coming.

Asia gave her an apologetic look before she turned back to listen to Martha. Julie knew it was hard for Asia to give her the hard truth. Her friend knew how important the decoy assignment was for her, and how much she needed it to work.

Julie stared at her clenched hands as the conversation grew to a low buzz. Was she so desperate for a successful night that she saw something where there was nothing? She replayed the episode in her mind.

No, she was right. She saw something. She didn’t quite understand it, but her gut instinct said it was a piece of a bigger puzzle. Something illegal, possibly nefarious. Oooh, wouldn’t that be great?

She trusted her gut. That should be enough for her. She’d dig for the truth alone. She didn’t need backup. Let the others think she’s on a wild-goose chase. She’ll prove them wrong.

Julie sensed Eric’s gaze on her. She looked up and saw him watching her intently. Like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

“You don’t believe me, either, do you?” she asked with a wry smile.

“Oh, I believe you.”

“Really?” She sat up straight in her chair. “You think I saw something that was espionage or piracy?”

“Yeah, it’s possible,” he said wearily.

“Thank you.” Eric believed in her instincts, her observation skills. He didn’t think it was her imagination or wishful thinking.

“Promise me something.” His tone was low and urgent.

“Okay, what?” she whispered.

“Don’t pursue it.”

Her lips parted in surprise. He couldn’t possibly ask for that kind of favor. “I—but I…”

“I know that look in your eye. I can practically hear your mind buzzing. You want to investigate.”

“Well…” Duh. Of course she did. It was her case. Her chance to show what she could do. But she couldn’t share her thoughts with Eric.

His expression was forbidding. “I’m not going to let you.”

Let her? As if he had a say in the matter. Let her, as if he was in charge. Her eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

Eric’s eyes glittered as he returned her glare. “In fact, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you away from trouble.”