Page 16 of Suddenly Sexy

Eric’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t like that, she noted with a spurt of pleasure. He didn’t like how she could wield this power over him, and he absolutely didn’t like that she knew it, too.

If only she knew why she had him under her spell and how she could use this power. For good, of course. Okay, maybe for evil, too. She didn’t want to be the good girl of his dreams. She wanted to be the bad girl of his deepest, dirtiest fantasies.

She swayed toward him just as she heard a cursory knock on the door. Julie’s heart leaped and Eric stepped away. She watched like a deer caught in the headlights as the door swung open.

“Eric?” Perry Gunthrie stepped into the office. “Oh, I didn’t know you were here, Julie. Sorry to interrupt, but Eric, do you have a moment?”

The sight of her boss was like a splash of cold water. She was torn with the need to get him out of the room and the need to tell him about her new assignment. As much as she disliked the intrusion, she knew that timing was crucial. If she wanted to become a decoy, she had to work fast before Eric backed out on the deal.

“Perry, guess what?” she asked as she walked over to him. She caught a glimpse of Eric as he returned to his desk. He was on full alert, ready to pounce at any sign of trouble. “You can be the first to congratulate me.”

“What for, Julie?” Perry asked indulgently.

Julie linked her arm with Perry’s and looked directly at Eric. “Eric agreed that I can be the decoy.”

Eric didn’t say anything. He remained still and there was no change in his expression, but Julie felt the darkening of his mood. Julie tensed, wondering if he was going to renege on the deal.

“Really?” Perry’s gravelly voice rose in surprise. “That’s wonderful, honey.” He patted her hand that rested on his arm and focused on his godson. “What changed your mind, Eric?”

Julie’s gaze sharpened on Eric, but he kept his attention on the older man.

“Julie can be very persuasive.”

She didn’t like his tone, but she was thankful Eric wasn’t any more forthcoming. She wasn’t ashamed of their deal. It had been an impetuous bet, but it had worked in her favor.

She would not feel guilty about this. She gave him fair warning. She didn’t pretend or fake her responses.

“Julie’s enthusiasm is contagious,” Perry admitted.

“I don’t know about that,” Eric said with a shrug. “But she’ll do anything to get her man.”

“I am in the room, you guys,” Julie reminded them, casting a warning glare at Eric.

“Are you sure about this?” Perry asked Eric.

Julie’s heart stopped when he hesitated for a brief moment. “Yes,” he replied with great reluctance. “A deal is a deal.”

Her heart beat double time. Julie pressed her lips together to prevent the squeal of delight. She was going to be a decoy!

“But don’t worry, Perry,” he said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I will watch over her every step of the way. She won’t make a move without my permission.”

“What?” The thrill she felt vanished like a puff of smoke. Julie pulled her hand away from Perry. “What are you talking about?”

“Julie has the job, but she has no training,” Eric continued as if she hadn’t interrupted. “This position has a probation period. If she can’t do the job, we’ll find another decoy.”

Of all the nerve! Julie placed her hands on her hips. “That wasn’t agreed on. I’m perfectly capable of handling this assignment without a babysitter.”

Eric crossed his arms. “I disagree.”

Perry cleared his throat with an uncomfortable cough. “Perhaps I should leave you two to agree on the details,” he said as he inched out of the room. “Eric, come to my office when you’re finished.”

Julie didn’t say a word as she listened to Perry whistling the Murder, She Wrote theme song as he walked down the hall. She was very aware that the office door was wide open. She knew the people in the nearby cubicles were trying to listen in as they pretended to work. She was tempted to slam the door shut, but that would create more interest in her colleagues.

“You have no right to change our agreement,” she whispered fiercely.

“I have every right,” he said as he straightened his desk.

“Why am I the only one on probation?” She briefly looked over her shoulder before lowering her voice. “Is this because you lost a bet?”