The pony was now chasing the goat around the corral. Jason wasn’t sure if they were playing or not.

Dreyfus restricted herself to a sound of disgust. Diamond was now in earshot.

Maybe Ian Boz had been serious when he had thrown out the name Zatanna Zatara, because this woman looked uncannily like the DC Comics magician and superhero. Her eyes, a brilliant blue, studied Dreyfus’ black eye and Jason’s healing bruises. “IRS, I presume?” she drawled.

“Ha. Funny,” Jason said. “Elle Diamond, I presume?”

“That’s right.”

“FBI.” Dreyfus showed her badge. “Agents Dreyfus and West. We’re investigating the theft of a valuable art and antique collection at the home of Michael and Minerva Khan.”

Diamond said, “Really? I heard you were hunting Ian Boz.”

Given her lack of surprise, Jason was confident Terry Van der Beck had already warned her the feds would soon be on her doorstep. By now, Terry had probably warned everyone in the magic community—maybe that’s what he’d been up to last night. A creepy take on Paul Revere making his rounds. Jason still didn’t know what to make of Terry’s visit.

Dreyfus continued, “In connection with the theft at the Khan home.”

“Don’t look for him here.”

Jason glanced toward the surrounding barns and pens. “Not a bad place to hide.”

Dreyfus said, “Where do you suggest we look?”

“How should I know? If you’ve got a warrant, you can look where you want.”

A warrant. Now that was interesting.

Jason said, “We’re just here to ask a few questions, ma’am. We understand that you and Boz are friends. Maybe more than friends.”

She was not exactly beautiful. Her eyes were oddly slanted and her high Slavic cheekbones were a little too sharp, but she was striking. Put her in a top hat and black sequins, and she’d be mesmerizing. Way out of Boz’s class, goats and ponies notwithstanding.

Diamond said, “We know each other.”

Jason smiled. “It’s a little more than that, isn’t it?” He felt Dreyfus’ look of surprise.

Diamond’s eyes narrowed. “Says who?”

You just did. But Jason only smiled again.

Diamond’s hair was severely straight and reached all the way to her waist. It reminded him of a horse’s tail, and when she tossed her head, the equine resemblance was even greater. “Well, what of it? That was over a long time ago.”

“Maybe so,” Jason said. “But you’re in the business of rescue and rehabilitation, so we have to ask.”

Diamond laughed. She mimicked, “Maybe so, but I draw the line at big, dumb animals that forge checks.”

“That’ll put a strain on a friendship.”


“What else can you tell us about Boz?” Dreyfus asked.

Diamond regarded Dreyfus for a moment. “Do I know you?”

“No.” Dreyfus threw Jason a quick, uneasy look. “I don’t think so.”

“Funny. You look like a girl I used to know. Andy Alexander. She was part of a brother and sister act.”

“I was never part of any magic act.” Dreyfus sounded mildly outraged. “Can you please just answer the question?”