Page 66 of Outrageously Yours

Jason spread his arms out, ignoring the people walking past him      on the sidewalk. “Then what was all this for?”

“This was my chance to prove, once and for all, that I was just      as good as my peers. I’d managed to catch Max’s attention and I had to make the      most out of it. I wanted to work with the best. Sure, he tried to build himself      up by tearing me down, but I’ve dealt with that before. Guys like him always      make fun of the quiet and shy ones. They think we’re easy targets.”

She had been so afraid to show herself until Jason had helped      her. She had shown her true self to Jason. But it hadn’t been good enough for      him. It wasn’t good enough for anyone. She would always be lacking      something.

Claire rolled her shoulders back. “But instead of walking away      at the conference and hiding in my hotel room, I stood my ground. I showed him      what I knew about my field. I was determined to dazzle him with my expertise. I      put myself out there and I didn’t care how many tests he gave me. I was going to      pass every one of them.”

Jason thrust his hands in his hair and gave a growl of      frustration. “He knew it, too. He was going to use that determination so you      would work for his approval. And I’m familiar with his type—he would have      seduced you into his bed.”

“I have no interest in sleeping with Max. I only want you. Why      did you have a fling with me?” she asked. He didn’t think she was hot or sexy.      What was in it for him? “Why did you make it real?”

“Because I wanted to.”

“Really?” She crossed her arms and leaned against the car.      “It’s not because you were feeling restless and you decided to change things up.      Go against type. Because as you told Max, I’m not a hot and sexy woman.”

He jerked his head up and their gazes clashed. Jason’s eyes      widened with alarm. He hadn’t realized that she had overheard that part. “That’s      not what I meant.”

“Apparently, everything we shared was fake,” she said with a      brittle smile. “Maybe you should be the one crafting images and brand messages.      I would fall for it every time.”

“I only said that because I didn’t want Max to go after you,”      Jason insisted. “I didn’t want him to know that you are the woman of my      dreams.”

She wished she had been the star of his fantasies but deep down      she’d always feared his interest wouldn’t last. “I felt desirable and special      when I was with you. I forgot that you were pretending. I was daring and sensual      because I felt safe with you.” Her breath caught in her throat. “But that was      another false image.”

He crossed his arms. “No, it’s not.”

“You’ve already lost interest, haven’t you? You didn’t want to      extend the fling and were ready call it off. Isn’t that what you told Max? What      else did you say to him?”

“I was trying to warn him off, to protect you. Usually if I      have competition for a girl I walk away, but not this time. Yeah, I played dirty      and I’m not proud of it.”

“No, Jason.” She took a deep breath as the anxiety built up      inside her. She felt as though she was going to crumple from the weight of it.      “What other secrets did you tell him about me?”

“What other—” His light blue eyes glittered with fury as his      expression turned grim. “What are you suggesting?”

“I opened up to you because I trusted you. I never dreamed you      would tell Max about the fake reputation. And there you were comparing notes      about me. I thought we were partners.”

“We are. I wouldn’t betray your secrets or your—” he wildly      motioned with his hands as he tried to come up with the words “—privacy.”