Page 57 of Outrageously Yours

Claire startled him when she gave a squeal and pumped her hands in the air. “That’s wonderful!”

“We’ll see.” He didn’t want to be too optimistic. The last time he had been so sure and then had been blindsided by the rejection.

“No, don’t you dare doubt yourself.” She linked her arms over her shoulders. “This is a good thing.”

Was it? How was he going to react if he failed? How would Claire view him if he wasn’t accepted? “If I get rejected again...”

“Then we will figure out the next step,” Claire said as she cupped the back of his head.

We? Jason parted his lips as hope pressed against his chest. Claire wasn’t going to let him go through this alone like the he had the last time. It sounded as if she planned to still be part of his life once she moved away.

“I’m really proud of you, Jason,” she said as she twisted his hair in her fingers.

He moved closer and stepped between her legs. “I haven’t heard back from them yet.”

“I’m proud that you went after your dream,” she explained. “You didn’t let your past disappointments get in the way.”

Jason saw admiration and respect shimmering in her dark blue eyes before her eyelashes fluttered. Her mouth curved with an affectionate smile before she brushed her lips with his. As he accepted her gentle kiss, Jason knew he wanted Claire to look at him like this always. And if it meant following her while she chased her dreams, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

* * *

HOURS LATER, JASON peered over the heads of the guests and glanced at the entrance of the tasting room. The room was now comfortably filled with wine enthusiasts but not packed from wall to wall. He had caught snatches of deep discussion and glowing compliments about the reserve label. Tonight had been a success but one component had been missing.

Jason curled his arm tighter around Claire’s waist and pressed his mouth against her ear. “I don’t think he’s going to show.”

Claire’s back stiffened and she glanced at the door. “You’re probably right.” She returned her attention to him and smiled. “I guess that means more brownies for me.”

Jason was intrigued by her indifferent attitude. He remembered her anxiety when Max had first announced his visit. Why the change? Was this part of her wild party-girl act? If so, she did it very well.

“The tasting room is going to close in half an hour,” Jason said. “He didn’t get to watch you be the belle of the ball.” And Jason was secretly pleased with the change of events. If Max saw Claire dressed in her finest and confidently playing the gracious hostess for his guests, Jason would have a fight on his hands.

Claire gave a shrug and leaned closer into him. “I’m fine with that. It doesn’t really matter.”

Jason blinked and pulled away to study her expression. “Doesn’t matter? You transformed yourself for this job. Pushed yourself into the spotlight. You took a swan dive onto a roller-skating rink for this moment.”

She pressed her hand against his chest. “Everything happens for a reason.”

“Ev—I can’t believe you’re saying these words to me. You’re the person who outlines all possible outcomes so you can manipulate any event to the results you want.”

“I’m not all-powerful,” she replied with a smile. “Jason, you seem more disappointed than I am that Max didn’t show.”

“I’m not disappointed.” He was relieved that Max hadn’t come, but the man’s treatment was rude and disrespectful toward Claire. “I don’t want your hard work to go to waste.”

“It hasn’t. If anything, it gave me a better idea of what I want out of life.”

He didn’t love the sound of that. What was she going to discard from her old life? What was going to change? He liked the way Claire used to be, but he had to admit he hadn’t done anything about it until this week. Claire had been in front of him all this time and he hadn’t taken the time to notice.

“I’ll be right back,” Claire said as she pulled away. “I want to touch base with that woman over there who can’t decide if she wants to hire me.”

Jason reluctantly let her go and frowned when he realized what she had said. Why was she still drumming up business in Woodinville if she was going to a job in LA? Did she feel as if there was still a possibility she wouldn’t get the job? It was just like Claire to cover all her bases, but she should have more faith in herself and her abilities. In the meantime, he’d believe in her when she couldn’t.