Page 4 of Outrageously Yours

Claire felt the hot blush spread from her neck to her face. She braced herself for Jason to double over with laughter. To her surprise, his smile faded as he gave her a piercing look. “And who is this Max?”

“Give it to me.” She leaped from her chair and made a grab for the phone but he kept it out of reach. It was just like old times.

“Not until you tell me who Max is.”

Claire glanced around the wine bar, hoping they weren’t causing a scene. To her relief, no one was paying them any attention. “He’s not someone from around here,” she whispered fiercely.

She watched in horror as Jason started typing on the keypad.

Don’t freak out. He’s messing with you, just like he used to. He’s just pretending. He won’t dare send a text.

“What did he say?”

“Something about photographic evidence,” he muttered as he texted a reply. “He sounds charming.”

“What are you doing?” She grabbed his arm and was momentarily distracted by the sensation of the warm and solid muscle beneath her fingertips. She wondered how it would feel to have his arms around her. “Do not tell him anything,” she rasped.

“Wow, you are really panicky with this guy.” Jason squinted at the screen as he continued to type. “You must like him a lot.”

Like him? No. But Max Blair could be her fairy godmother. His approval would make her the belle of the ball instead of the wallflower. “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t it always?”

She gasped when he pressed the send button. “What did you say to him?”

He shrugged. “Just your run-of-the-mill marriage proposal.”

Her fingers dug into his arms. “What?”

“I’m kidding.” Jason’s smile widened. “So why haven’t I heard anything about this guy?”

“There’s nothing to tell.” Claire needed to see the text Jason had sent. She jumped for the phone and collided with him. Her hands flattened against his chest as she inhaled his scent. It was woodsy and masculine.

“Are you really entering a wet T-shirt contest?” he asked quietly.

She jerked her head up in shock. Jason’s face was right above hers. His blue eyes were mesmerizing and she hurriedly stepped away. “That’s what he asked?”

“No, I’m asking you.”

She nervously licked her bottom lip. “Why? Do you think I could win?”

Claire should have curbed her tongue. Deep down she knew that question would require Jason to look at her—really look at her. Her skin tingled with awareness as his eyes darkened. Her breasts felt heavy and tight under her printed pink top as his gaze lingered on her chest. She didn’t breathe until his eyes met hers again.

“I don’t think you’re the kind of woman who could enter a wet T-shirt contest.”

Claire reared her head back. “Could?” she repeated. What did that mean? Did he believe she lacked the curves or the audacity for that kind of competition?

“I meant would.” Her phone chimed again. Claire held back a panicked whimper. Jason glanced at the screen but didn’t say anything about it. “It was supposed to be a compliment.”

Of course it was. She nodded silently. Taking a long look at her and saying she couldn’t enter a wet T-shirt contest could only be construed as complimentary.

Her phone chimed again. Claire wanted to wrap her arms around her. Instead she bunched her hands into fists. She wasn’t going to react. She wasn’t in a playful mood and Jason would catch on. He’d soon lose interest and give her back the phone.

Jason read the text and frowned. “Have you ever been to one of those contests?”

“No,” she admitted reluctantly. She didn’t even know where they were held or if there were rules. “Why?”

“Then you may have a problem.” Jason gave her the phone. “Looks like Max is coming for a visit so he can see you in action.”

Visit? That didn’t make any sense. Max wouldn’t waste his time visiting a rural small town. She read his last text.

I’m going to be in Seattle next Friday. Would love to meet up.

She doubled over as her stomach twisted violently. “Nooo.”

Another text popped up.

Consider this challenge your interview—transform yourself in one week and the job is yours.

The panic clawed her chest as she gulped in air. “This isn’t happening.”

* * *

JASON WATCHED CLAIRE with growing concern. She shoved her hands in her long blond hair. Her blue eyes were dull and her full lips were pinched. Her fair skin had gone white. The woman had always been uptight but he had never seen her this upset before.