Page 11 of Outrageously Yours

“Second, get in every picture. Look like you’re having a really great time. Tilt your head back and laugh hard while the picture is being taken.”

She wasn’t paying close attention to what Jason was saying. She just nodded and inhaled his scent. It was warm and masculine. She wanted to burrow her head against his neck. Lick his skin and taste him.

“Third, do something crazy.”

She blinked a couple of times and met his gaze. “Crazy?” she repeated. “How crazy?”

The left side of his mouth hitched up. “I recommend taking on every dare.”

Claire stared at his mouth. What would Jason dare her to do? What would she dare him to do? A kaleidoscope of sexual images crashed through her mind and she tried to ignore the insistent pull deep in her belly.

She abruptly looked away. “Why would I do that? I have no idea what someone’s going to dare me.”

“You’ll be fine,” he decided before he dropped his hold on her. “Yeah, I think that covers it. Good luck.”

Alarm streaked through Claire as her hands dropped down to his chest. “Wait just a second. Where are you going?”

He jerked his thumb in the direction of the bonfire. “I’m going to—”

“This is it?” Her voice rose and she hurriedly pressed her lips together before she tried again. “That’s all the help I’m going to get?”

“Earning a reputation is simple,” Jason said as he took a step away. “There’s not much to it.”

She grabbed his shirt and bunched it with her fist, forcing him to remain where he stood. “You are not getting out of this, Jason Strong,” she hissed in a low tone.

His hand covered hers. He was so big and powerful compared to her and they both knew he could pluck her hand away with very little effort. “I don’t need to be with you through every step.”

“Oh, yes, you do, or this deal is off!”

“Come on, Claire.” Jason tilted his head back as irritation rolled through him. “You are doing everything you have to do. And, let’s face it, your outfit is doing most of the work. Guys are going to swarm you the minute I leave.”

“I’m not looking for a man,” she reminded him.

“Right, you’re doing all this so you can get a job with Max.” He clenched his jaw. She couldn’t tell if it was disapproval or disappointment that flickered in his eyes. “If you want him to see that you are a wild woman, then you need to show that you are fighting off all the men.”

“So to get a man’s attention, I should show that another guy wants me? Great, I’ve just appointed you to be that guy. You’re staying.”

* * *

JASON INSTINCTS WARNED him to get away. His chest felt tight as lust pulsed in his blood. He was fighting the urge to touch her. Press his mouth against the base of her neck and feel her pulse beat against his lips. Caress her and watch the blush bloom on her pale skin. He felt as if he was on the cusp of discovering Claire’s hidden side. A part of her that she only revealed to someone special. He wanted to be that special one.

It didn’t make sense. This was Claire Miller. He had known her forever.

“So what does a woman have to do to get your attention?” she asked as she gripped his shoulders. He wasn’t sure what his expression revealed but Claire rolled her eyes. “I’m asking purely for research.”

“Sure you are,” he teased. He tried to imagine what Claire would do if she was interested in him. His skin went hot at the thought of all her drive and passion focused on his pleasure. She wouldn’t give up until she succeeded in getting him into bed.

“Well?” Claire asked. “What does she have to do? Make you jealous?”

Her words were like a splash of cold water. “If she tries that, I walk away and move on to the next woman.”

“Seriously? So quickly? What if you’re really into her?”

He’d fallen for a few women who’d tried to play mind games with him. It hurt because it meant they hadn’t bothered to find out that he wasn’t competitive. But he never showed how it affected him. “It doesn’t matter. If she’s interested in another guy I cut her loose.”

Claire looked away and froze. “Jason,” she whispered from the side of her mouth. “The song ended and everyone’s staring. We need to stop.”

If they stopped dancing then he no longer had an excuse to hold her close. “Why? You are getting exactly what you want.”