Page 9 of Outrageously Yours

“Claire, we have to do this my way. It’s faster. Easier.”

She was sure it was. Jason had a talent for finding shortcuts. He knew how to get a job done in the least amount of time and still make it look like a million bucks. Maybe she should go with his plan. She could watch him, analyze his methods and see if she could repeat the process.

But while Jason always found success, this was the first time she’d been part of the equation. What if it went horribly wrong?

She couldn’t think like that. Jason was going to be her secret weapon.

“We will try it your way,” Claire said and wished the tension inside her hadn’t soared. “But if I don’t see immediate and quantifiable results, then we do it my way.”

“Great.” Jason’s smile was triumphant as he rubbed his hands together. “We start tonight.”

“Tonight?” She stared into his light blue eyes as she fought a kick of panic. “Don’t you have to work?”

“We close at ten,” he reminded her. “And I was going to a party afterward.”

“Erica’s bonfire?” she guessed. The annual party was held on Erica’s farm and all of her friends and former classmates would be there. “I’ll be there, too. Any suggestions?”

Jason’s mouth tilted into a smile. “Arrive late and show as much skin as possible.”

* * *

CLAIRE FELT COLD and naked as she walked across the field to the bonfire later that night. Had it really been a good idea to follow a man’s suggestion on appropriate attire? She wished she hadn’t left her coat in the car. The extra layer would have allowed her to hide her curves and give her warmth.

No, she truly wished she hadn’t worn the skintight jeans that had been in the back of her closet. She’d been saving them in case she lost weight, and it turned out she had not lost an ounce. Claire glanced down at her dark jeans and favorite knee-high boots. The clothes were familiar but there was something different about her. She looked different and she didn’t know why.

She wandered aimlessly from one group of familiar faces to the next. Claire was aware of the double takes and the way the men were staring at her transparent-looking lace burgundy shirt hoping for a nipple slip. They were in for a long wait.

Claire didn’t see Jason anywhere and she hoped he came soon. She had lost her chance to make a big entrance and she had no idea what to do to build the foundation of her party-girl reputation.

She found herself drifting toward a few of her friends who were the wallflowers at every party. Claire felt most comfortable around them. They were standing next to the makeshift DJ table, swaying to the beat as they watched people dance.

“Claire?” Deanna squinted in the dark and then her eyes went wide. “Did you get a boob job?”

“I’m sorry, what? No.” Claire refrained from crossing her arms as the other women studied her curves. “It’s the same old me.” Although the push-up bra was brand-new. It was uncomfortable but pretty.

“You look fantastic,” Alison said as she huddled in her dark hoodie.

“Thank you.” Claire nervously smoothed her hand over her long ponytail. Why did her friend sound so surprised? She’d dressed up before. Not in a shirt that made it look as if she was wearing nothing underneath or that faithfully followed the lines of her body, but the outfit wasn’t that much different from what she’d worn in the past.

“I love the shirt,” another friend said.

“I got it at Miranda’s boutique.” Claire had had nothing in her closet that fit Jason’s orders and had gone to one of her clients for help. Miranda had been thrilled at the prospect of playing the fairy godmother. She had dismissed Claire’s concern about the top’s snug fit and low scoop neckline. Claire thought it was too bold and yet she doubted this outfit was what Jason had in mind.

“So, who’s the guy?” Deanna asked as the DJ put on a slow song.

“Guy?” Claire felt as though she was one step behind in the conversation. She hated that feeling. “What guy?”

“You never get dressed up like this.” Deanna motioned at her. “You’re actually showing cleavage. It must be someone special.”

“No, not necessarily.” Her voice drifted off when she spotted Jason striding toward the bonfire.

Now that was a man who knew how to make an entrance, Claire thought dazedly. She wasn’t the only person at the party who noticed him, and she was aware of how other guests turned and tracked his progress to the bonfire. There was an energy that crackled in the air when he was around. Some of the guys actually cheered and did fist pumps when they saw him.