Page 65 of Outrageously Yours

“Because you didn’t believe my methods were any good. That I was any good. In fact, you announced it loudly at the bar during the last conference. You had the gall to say I didn’t have what it takes and would be out of business soon. So I did you describe it, Jason?” Claire tilted her head in Jason’s direction without breaking eye contact with Max. “A fake profile for the real world.”

Max’s eyes were round as he glanced at his phone screen and then back at Claire. “Do you think this proves you are better than me?”

“Oh, please, don’t even try. I fooled you on and off-line. You came to visit me just to see it all in person. And you’re supposed to be the expert to the stars. Bow down, Max. I just outplayed you.” She turned on her heel and stalked out of the wine bar.

Jason stared at Claire’s retreating figure, his mouth gaping open. That was the first time he had seen her exude that kind of attitude. She had been brazen and angry. She’d spoken her mind with no apology.

“I don’t believe it,” Max said in wonder as he watched Claire stride out of the door. “She’s better than I thought. I have to hire her.”

Jason rolled his eyes. His plan had backfired and now Max wanted Claire more than ever. But he no longer had to worry that she would accept the job offer.

“That’s not going to happen,” Jason said as he rose from his seat. “But cheer up, Max. Your luck may change. One day you might get the opportunity to work for her.”


CLAIRE’S HANDS SHOOK as she tried to unlock her car door. A howling pain      raged inside her, ready to tear free. She had to lock down the bitterness and      the dark, swirling emotions. She wasn’t going to show how much Jason’s words had      hurt her or how she thought she had meant something to him. Giving no reaction      had been her only defense for years and it came automatically to her.

“Claire! Where are you going?”

She glanced over the car roof and saw Jason jogging toward her.      Her heart banged hard against her chest. She had fallen in love with this man      and he had been ready to discard her. “I’m going home,” she replied, hating how      her voice wavered.

“You were great.” Jason said with a big smile. “Max didn’t know      what hit him.”

“I sympathize,” she muttered. She couldn’t believe Jason would      have divulged anything about her fake reputation. She’d believed he was her      backup. He had been reluctant at first but she never thought he would try to      sabotage her work.

Claire knew the tears burning in the back of her eyes or the      tightening of her throat wasn’t about the wasted efforts. She was still reeling      from Jason’s advice to Max. Cut her lose. She’s not the hot and sexy woman          you think she is. You will lose interest in her quickly.

Was that how Jason felt? Claire blinked rapidly to hold back      the tears. Was that why he hadn’t accepted her invitation to extend the fling?      Did he hope the relationship would just fade away?

Jason stopped at the other side of the car and motioned for her      to return to the wine bar. “Come inside and have a drink. My treat. I’ll go find      one of the tasting room exclusives.”

Claire wrenched open the car door and paused. “I don’t feel      like celebrating.”

His smile dipped. “What’s wrong?”

She glared at him and she knew she couldn’t keep quiet any      longer. “How can you ask me that? You ruined everything with Max.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed as his features grew harsh. “You still      want to work for him? After everything that happened?” His voice took on an      angry edge.

“I have no interest in working with Max anymore. Ugh.” She gave      a shudder. “All he cares about is meeting the next celebrity and getting into      the VIP lounge at the airport. He is not someone I’ll ever look up to again. And      I just found out this week that he wanted me to be his lackey. He assumed I      would give up everything I’d worked for to be his errand girl.”