Page 42 of Outrageously Yours

“Still, they get all the glory.” Claire leaned forward and spoke softly. “It’s like when I was at the Roller Derby workshop. My friends gave up early but I kept at it. I earned their admiration for putting myself out there and taking the hits. No one is that impressed with my work or what I’ve achieved in life.”

“I am.” His tone was quiet but sincere.

“Thanks,” she said with a shy smile. “But I did what I had to do. I made it look like I had an outrageous life. Now I’m going to retire my Claire Carnage name. It’s not for me.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” He glanced at her arm and wondered how bad the rest of the bruises were. But he knew she wasn’t going to let him kiss and make it better.

“Although you should see the pictures Deanna and Alison took.” She grabbed her phone and swiped the screen. “I swear I’m flying through the air in one of them.”

Jason winced and placed his hand on her arm to stop her. “Some other time. Why don’t you sit back and relax. How about something to drink?”

“No, thanks. Oh!” She slapped her palms on the bar as excitement danced in her eyes. She reminded him of champagne, Jason decided. Fresh, bright and fizzy. “I was thinking about your party on Friday. You should make a special hors d’oeuvre to go with the wine.”

“We are. We are pairing our merlot with a cheese and fruit platter. The kitchen is also making truffle meatballs, a smoke duck tostada with a cherry salsa and—”

“That sounds wonderful but I want you to make an appetizer that celebrates me.” She twisted her lips as she considered her words. “No, inspired by me. I think that will solidify my party-girl reputation for the night.”

Jason immediately thought of a dessert and just as quickly rejected it. It wasn’t elegant and it couldn’t compete with the other appetizers.

Her eyes widened with delight. “You have something in mind.”

“It won’t work. It’s not fancy enough.” She deserved something elegant and stunning.

“That’s fine. I’m not fancy,” she insisted. “What was it?”

Jason shook his head. He needed to come up with something else. Something that hadn’t been done before.

A voice boomed. “Claire?”

They heard her name being called from the far side of the wine bar. Jason glanced up and saw an older man sitting at one of the tables and waving her over.

Claire gave a nod. “That’s Dr. Maibe,” she told Jason. “He’s the orthodontist I’m working with.”

Jason studied the man in the dark suit. The deep lines in his face suggested his mouth was in a perpetual frown. “He doesn’t look happy.”

“He never does,” she whispered. “He’s kind of a handful.”

“More than me?” Jason asked lightly.

“More than you,” Claire agreed with a smile as she slid off her bar stool. “I don’t think he understands what I do. Will you excuse me? I have a feeling he has a few questions.

“Sure.” He grabbed the portfolio Claire had created for him and went to his office. Jason was tempted to grab a notebook and brainstorm some ideas for Claire’s appetizer. He was excited about the challenge she had given him. He paused and looked at the door. Was this idea to help put her into the spotlight, or was it designed to get him to create a culinary masterpiece? Knowing Claire, it was probably both. He wanted to create something for her, but he wasn’t a chef.

“You ruined everything!”

Jason heard the orthodontist’s voice clearly from his office. He whipped open the door and strode to the corner where the doctor was now towering over Claire. He didn’t like the man’s aggressive stance.

“Dr. Maibe, I’m sorry.” Claire’s shoulders were hunched and her head was bent. “There has obviously been a miscommunication, but we can fix this.”

“Fix it?” Anger shook in the orthodontist’s voice as he flailed his arm in the air. “It’s too late! Your mistake cost me money! I’m going to sue you for every last dime.”

Claire flinched and she took a step back. “I accept full responsibility and I will fix it for you at no extra charge.”

“You stupid bitch—”

Jason moved between Claire and the older man. “You need to leave,” he said in a low, fierce tone. He fought the urge to grab the man and throw him out the door. “I don’t tolerate bullies in my place.”