“I can’t share the details, only that his death is being investigated as a homicide.”

Life came back into Barnaby’s face. “You can’t share the details? Why for God’s sake? Was he robbed? Was he shot? Was he— Do they have anyone in custody? Is there a suspect?”

“No one is in custody. The investigation is ongoing.”

Barnaby’s brows drew together. “Why is the FBI involved?”

Kennedy had given no directive on how he wanted this handled. Everyone they had interviewed together had already heard about Kerk’s death. No one had questioned the FBI’s involvement, but it was a good question. And the fact that Barnaby thought to ask it was probably indicative. But indicative of what?

Jason said reluctantly, “There are indications Kerk’s death may be part of a larger pattern.”

Barnaby stared at Jason as though he couldn’t quite hear him. “Does Shepherd know?” he asked.

Again, not the question Jason anticipated. He replied, “Yes. Your brother was already aware of Mr. Kerk’s homicide when I spoke to him.”

Barnaby muttered something, whistled for the dog which had wandered off, and sai

d to Jason, “I’ve told you everything. If you have more questions, you’ll have to direct them to our attorney. I’m quite confident the matter with Ros and Hank will be resolved without further legal action, but if the federal government wants to waste additional taxpayer time and money on harassing me and my family, well, we’ll see where that leads.”

He stalked off, whistling again for the dog, which burst out of the undergrowth like it thought a bear was after it.

Jason watched man and dog until they reached the top of the trail and vanished into the fog.

Barnaby had not known Kerk was dead. That, Jason would stake his career on. But from the point he had learned of Kerk’s death, his reactions became hard to read. He had been shocked, upset. That was to be expected. But he had also seemed to experience a light-bulb moment. That gazing into space as though transfixed? That had been an instant of horrible recognition.

But what or whom had he recognized? That was the question.

Does Shepherd know?

Clearly he did not think his brother had killed Kerk.

And beyond that? He was difficult to scan, but Jason thought Barnaby had seemed more angry than afraid.

He had been a little afraid, though, and that was interesting.

Jason walked down the hillside and glanced around the lonely graveyard.

Where better to hide a body?

Might as well have a look. He started up the nearest crooked row of graves, studying the weather-beaten markers.

A number of sunburst-style headstones. Those would be from the 1800s. Those coy half-suns peeking over the horizon could be interpreted two ways: the setting sun of an ended life or the rising sun of the eternal hereafter.

In memory of

Emeline Cook dau’r of

Jesse & Thankful Cook

she died March 14


Aged 11 mos

A lot of babies and small children.

A lot of Hoveys and Greenleafs too.