“You’re not keeping an open mind! You’re obsessed with proving Boxner guilty.”

That stung. “The hell. I’m not obsessed. This isn’t personal.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. The hell it isn’t. You need to take a step back, Agent West. A big step back. Do you realize what’s going to happen to this investigation if you start accusing members of Kingsfield PD? Do you comprehend what’s going to happen to both of us if you make these allegations without—”

“What if I can find physical proof?”

“What physical proof?”

“Proof that the mermaid I found next to Candy originally belonged to Honey.”

Kennedy said very quietly, “What exactly are you saying?”

“When I picked up that charm, I recognized it.”

Why that would make Kennedy all the angrier, Jason wasn’t sure, but he could hear the effort he was making to keep his tone even. “How would that be possible?”

“It would be possible for someone who had access to the evidence room.”

“No. I mean how could you possibly, after sixteen years, remember a trinket from a keychain?”

“I…just do.”

“For the love of God. A hunch is not proo—”

“I’ll get proof,” Jason repeated.


“I just told you. The evidence room. I can go through Honey’s effects. That mermaid charm should still be there. If it’s not, then someone took it to plant it on Candy’s body in order to make it look like either the Huntsman or an unidentified accomplice had returned. Or that Kingsfield had a copycat on its hands.”

There was a silence on the other end.

“Negative,” Kennedy said. “Do not request access to the evidence room.”

Jason heard it with disbelief. “Why?”

“Because every cop in Worcester County will hear about it within the hour. And every cop in Worcester County will put two and two together and conclude that we’re questioning the integrity of this investigation. That we suspect the involvement of local law enforcement.”

“That’s bullshit, Kennedy. And you know it. I could have any number of reasons for requesting access to the evidence room. No one is going to instantly assume—”

“You think Boxner isn’t going to wonder what the hell you’re up to? And if he is your guy, he’ll know immediately what you’re looking for. Right?”

“Well, according to you he isn’t my guy, so that shouldn’t be a worry.”

“Goddamn it, West. I am telling you to back off. You are to wait to do anything until I get back to Kingsfield, and then we’ll decide together on the best course of action. That is an order. The situation there is a lot more delicate than you understand.”

“An order?” Jason repeated politely.

“I’m the senior fucking officer on this case and yes, you’re goddamn right; I’m ordering you to back off. Do you understand?”

“Oh, I understand,” Jason said.

I understand that you think an order should be enough and you don’t have to explain yourself. I understand that you’ve treated me like your errand boy—when not a downright nuisance—throughout this entire investigation. I understand that you believe if you’re not here to tell me what to do and when to do it, I’ll jeopardize both the investigation and your job. I understand that you trust no one. Particularly not me. And, by the way, I understand you’re not my boss and can’t actually give me orders, you asshole.

“Defy me and I’ll break you.” Kennedy clicked off.

“And I’ll break you?” Jason stared at his phone in disbelief. “Did you just—? Did you—? Who the fuck do you think you are, Kennedy? You’ll break me?”