Kennedy was frowning at the landing.

Jason slid the safety chain, turned the deadbolt, opened the door.

Kennedy transferred the frown to Jason.

“I saw your light was on.”

Jason frowned back. “I’ve got an early flight.”

“Right. Look.” Kennedy drew a breath. “I’m not good at goodbyes. But I enjoyed working with you too, Agent West.”

“Thank you.”

“That’s all.”

Jason nodded curtly.

Kennedy turned away.

Jason very, very gently closed the door. He leaned his forehead against its glossy enameled surface.

He listened for Kennedy’s retreating footsteps.


More nothing.

He raised his head.

Was Kennedy still standing outside his door?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Jason wrenched open the door. “Back so soon?” he asked tersely.


sp; Kennedy’s blue eyes seemed to be the only color in the night. His hair looked platinum, his face white in the thin light radiating from the overhang. “Listen,” he said. “You don’t want to be involved with me.”

“You’re right.”

“If you think I’m an asshole now…”

“You don’t have to convince me.”

“I’m too old for you, for one thing.”

Jason folded his arms. “And getting older by the minute.”

“I’m always on the road. Always traveling. I like it that way.”

“Sure. Sounds ideal.”

Kennedy drew a deep breath. “I made the decision a long time ago that this job did not allow for anything other than…this job.”

Jason was silent. “Wow,” he said finally.

Kennedy’s throat jumped as he swallowed. “And even if I could find the balance of work and relationship—and I don’t think that’s in me—this isn’t the kind of job you want to bring home to someone you care about. I would not want to open this door to someone I cared about. Especially not someone like you.”