“Yes. This is a new beginning for us, for our family. It’s important.”

“Sure, darling. Whatever you want,” Mum says, the sweetness in her voice setting my teeth on edge. How doesn’t he notice it’s fake?

Because he’s used to it, a little voice says at the back of my mind. You just never noticed before, you naïve bitch.

I blow out a long breath, hating myself for not seeing more in the past. I was content to believe they were both happy, that everything was as it should be. But I’m starting to realise that was far from the truth. He’s brainwashed her, controlled her, turned her into his little lapdog. I just hope that she doesn’t fall straight back into his trap, because I would really hate to have to walk out of this without her.

“Come on then,” Jonas says, pulling his phone from his pocket and unlocking it. With the same passcode he’s always used, I notice. “Jodie, come over here,” he encourages.

Keeping the knife securely tucked up my sleeve, I do as I’m told, hoping that this charade will be over soon. The last place I might want to be in the world is locked down in that cold and dank basement, but I’m starting to think it’s actually preferable to this.

If I didn’t think there was a chance of getting the upper hand, or at least an escape plan by finally being allowed up here, then I’d be locking myself back down there.

A loud creak sounds out from above us as Jonas leans in and takes photograph after photograph of us. I wince every time the shutter closes, because I look like hell. The cuts and bruises from his brutal hits are more than obvious in each image. It makes me sick to think they’ve been caused by my father. Someone who’s meant to protect me above all else.

That’s all he’s tried to do all my life, it seems. Protect me.

Has he decided that now I know the truth, all bets are off? He can now treat me as badly as everyone else in his life?

Is it that he’s lost Maria and Toby as his punching bags, so now he’s going to turn that on us instead?

Another loud creak makes me look to the ceiling in question.

“Oh, it’s just my buddy. He’s been helping me out.”

“Who is he?” I ask, breaking away from our huddle and backing toward the door.

“No one you need to worry about. Well, unless you cross him,” he warns darkly.

“This has been so lovely, Jonas. Thank you,” Mum says, pushing to her feet and running her hands up his chest. Folding them over his shoulders, she looks at me. ‘Go.’

“Is it okay if I use the bathroom?” I ask, not wanting to risk running out on him.

“Of course, sweetheart. But don’t try running. All the doors and windows are securely locked.”

“I just need to pee, Dad,” I force out through gritted teeth.

He looks back at me and smiles in achievement.

Thankfully, Mum quickly distracts him and I’m able to bolt from the room.

“I’ve missed you so much, darling.” I retch as Mum’s purr filters up to me.

“I’ve fallen asleep every night wishing you were beside me.”

I don’t bother going for the doors. He might be a pathological liar, but I’m pretty sure that was the truth. He’s put too much work into this for one of us just to be able to walk free. And anyway, if the door was wide open right now, I’d never leave Mum with him. When we get out of this place, we get out together.

My eyes sweep to the front door. The light coming through the glass panels calls to me, but when I finally move, it’s in the direction I told him I was going.

My body aches and my muscles pull as I climb the stairs. Days going without food have left me weaker than I think I’ve ever felt before.

Each step is a colossal effort, but I know I need to do it.

I scan the hallway when I finally haul my heavy limbs to the top, trying to figure out where I should try first.

Someone is up here, and if he catches me doing anything other than going for a pee, I’m screwed—and I’m sure any chance of being allowed back for something as ‘normal’ as a meal with my parents isn’t going to happen again.

I need to make this count, and I need to bank on Mum being able to keep Jonas distracted.