“Yeah. Yeah. Basement. Yeah. Yeah.”

I stare at him as he hangs up and walks toward the fridge, throwing me a bottle of water not a second later.

“Who was that?” I ask, twisting the top and immediately drinking half of it down.

“No one who has any answers.”

I’ve just upended the bottle over my head when the door to the gym opens and a distraught-looking Brianna comes rushing in.

“You’re a fucking cunt,” she barks, storming toward Nico and swinging her handbag at him.

My eyes widen at her savagery as whatever she’s got in there collides with Nico’s head with a painful thud.

“What the fuck, Siren?” he barks.

“You don’t fucking text me to tell me my best friend is fucking missing, you massive fucking cunt waffle.”

“Would you rather not know?”

“You’re a fucking prick. I don’t know why I ever thought spending time with you was a good idea.”

She waves him off and turns to me.

“Jesus, you look a mess.”

I quirk a brow at her.

“What’s happening? Have you found her? Who has her?”

My eyes lift from Bri to Nico, who just shrugs in exasperation.

“Didn’t you tell her anything?” I ask.

“No, he told me Jojo was missing. That was it. No other fucking details. Where is she, Toby? Is she okay?”

“Fuck,” I hiss, shoving my bloody fingers into my dripping wet hair. “We don’t know where she is, Bri. Jonas has her.”

“J-Jonas?” she stutters, a deep frown marring her brow.

“Starting to figure out why I didn’t lay it all out in a fucking text message now?” Nico grumbles behind her.

“Fuck you,” she shoots over her shoulder before turning back to me. “Please, continue.”

“Jonas isn’t dead. Our boss faked his death. We’ve had him locked in a cell for the past few months.”

Her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish as she tries to process the CliffsNotes of this whole clusterfuck of a situation.

“He’s escaped. We can’t find her or Joanne.”

“Shit, Toby. This is fucking insane,” she says, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

“Welcome to our world, Siren,” Nico says.

“Are you still fucking here?” she snaps at him.

“Hell yeah, you know I love it when you get all feisty.”

“My best friend, my cousin, is fucking missing. Can you lay off the jokes, maybe?”