“Did we have a date I forgot about or something?” I ask as I stroll out of my class to find Seb leaning back against the opposite wall with one foot propped up and his phone in his hand.

A wicked smile curls at his lips when he realises I’ve found him.

“Oh bro, we’re about to have the date of all motherfucking dates. I hope you lubed up.”

I glare at him.

“What the actual fuck are you talking about?”

“You remember how I never got you a birthday present?”

“Uh… yeah. But you’re tighter than a duck’s arsehole when it comes to presents, so I wasn’t exactly expecting much,” I mutter.

“Pfft, that’s bullshit. Have you seen the number of diamonds in that necklace around my girl’s neck?”

“Stella doesn’t count.”

“Well, whatever.” He wraps an arm around my shoulders and steers me toward the main exit. “I’m about to make it up to you tenfold.”

Curious, I allow him to walk me out to the car park.

“You could have just fed me. I’m fucking starving,” I complain when it becomes more than obvious we’re about to leave campus for whatever this little surprise is.

Turns out that Jodie was right to question my choice of breakfast this morning. Cheesecake isn’t all that filling. I was only halfway through my first lesson of the day before my stomach was growling so loudly I was sure even the teacher could hear it over his overly eager explanation.

Okay, so maybe it was pure boredom that was making me hungry.

“I promise, I’ll get you something to eat,” he says as he brings the engine to life and backs out of his space. “So I hear you had quite the treat after your dinner last night.”

“Jesus,” I mutter, scrubbing my hand down my face.

“Is there nothing you and Stella don’t share?”

“Secrets, bodily fluids, murder… nope. We’re almost one person at this point. Fucking glad she walked in on you though, man. She came back horny as—”

“Stop. Please, just stop,” I beg.

His laughter rips through the car. “You’re too fucking easy to get to these days, Tobes.”

“Yeah well, how would you feel if I were banging one of your sisters and telling you all about it?”

He winces.


“You’ll forgive me in about ten minutes.”

“We’ll see,” I mutter, folding my arms over my chest as I stare out of the window, trying to guess where we’re going.

Only a few minutes later, we pull up into a car park I’ve never been to before and Seb instructs me to follow him.

“If you’ve brought me to help choose Stella’s lingerie, then I gotta tell you, you dragged the wrong person along for this little trip. I don’t even care what food you bribe me with, I can already tell you it won’t be—”

“Stop fucking complaining. I don’t want you to choose Stella’s underwear. Sex toys, on the other hand…” I turn on my heel, but Seb’s expecting it and his fingers grip onto my upper arm before I get a chance to move. “I’m joking, obviously. Although something tells me that your expertise in that area could come in handy.”

“I’m not a fucking expert. I just like—”