“It could all still go very wrong, but it’s a start.”

“It is. It’s progress. She’s fighting.” I take her hands in mine and pull her close.“She wants to come back to you both.”

Jodie sniffs as she blinks back the tears filling her eyes.

“You wanna head up to see her?” I ask, knowing full well it’s exactly what she wants to do.

“Is that okay? I don’t want to run off and ruin—”

“You’re not ruining anything. Everyone understands. Come on.” I tug her from the wall and tuck her into my side.

The second we re-enter the dining room, everyone looks at us with anticipation.

“She’s started responding to treatment,” I say when Jodie sucks in a shaky breath.

“Oh, that’s fantastic,” Mum gushes.

“It’s still really early days, but it’s a good sign.”

“Did you want me to box up dessert for you so you can go and see her?” Mum asks before we have to say anything.

“That’s really not necessary, Maria. You don’t need—”

“Don’t be silly, sweetheart. Plus, it’s Toby’s favourite. I’d hate for you both to miss out.”

My stomach rumbles despite the huge roast dinner we’ve just eaten. It’s no secret that while Stella might come here for the main course, my sights are always on what comes after.

“That’s an offer I can’t refuse,” I say, and Mum rushes from the room. Finding Stella’s eyes, I promise to call her later with an update, and after a quick goodbye and a detour via the kitchen for my New York cheesecake, we rush out of the house.

I place it in Jodie’s lap after we’ve dropped into my car, and she looks down at the container before coyly glancing back up at me.

“Déjà vu much?” she mutters.

“Tonight will have a better ending,” I tell her seriously.

“Is that a promise?”

“Hell yeah. I’ve got my favourite girl and my favourite dessert. What could be better?”

Silence falls between us as we drive through the gates of Galen’s house and turn onto the road.

“You know, we still need to talk about what’s going to happen… with him,” Jodie says, making my stomach knot.

“When you’re ready. He’s secure and being looked after… to a point.”

Reaching over, I take her hand in mine and lock our fingers together.

“One problem at a time, yeah? Sara needs you right now more than he ever could.”

She nods in agreement but carries on regardless.

“Mostly, I think it would be better for everyone if he didn’t exist. Even down there, I know his presence is weighing on you. On everyone.”

“All you’ve got to do is say the words. Just remember that a lifetime is a long time to live with regrets, so make sure you’re certain before we do anything we can’t take back,” I warn.

I might have no issues with going down there and putting a bullet between his eyes and finally putting this behind us. But all of this—this world—it’s new to Jodie, and I don’t expect her to deal with something as final and life-changing as taking another’s life from them as easily as we all can now.